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"After all, I'm jolly glad I'm coming into your House, because the old Demon is such a ripper; and he and I have been talking things over. He's as mad keen as I am about games, and although the Manorites have not played in a cock-house match at cricket or footer for years, still there is a chance for us at Torpids next term. You'll play, Verney.

Footer is more his line, I take it." "Are you going to have a try for the eleven, Jim, this year?" "I'll see how things shape. If Phil Bourne gives me the hint that I have a chance, I'll take it, of course." "Will he give Acton the hint, think you?" "I shouldn't say so," said Jim, as Acton's stumps waltzed out of the ground for the fourth time. "He can't play slows for toffee."

Gordon was never tried for the Colts Fifteen, although he subsequently proved himself better than most of the other forwards in it, and had to play in House games every day. Once a week a House game is a thundering good game, but more often it is one-sided, and for a person who really cares for footer, such afternoons are very dull.

I've had the pleasure of telling you once before that you were a liar." "And you did not get your 'footer' cap for it, which seems such a paltry punishment for so villainous a crime." "That is stale, stale," said Acton, coolly. "You entice my brother to London, which means expulsion for him if it is found out by Dr. Moore." "I believe that's the rule."

Mansell seemed like a Greek god who had for a moment descended to earth to reveal a glimpse of what Olympus was like. Gordon went down and saw him off by the five-forty-five. "My word! I envy you, Mansell," he said. "I shouldn't. I often wish I was back again in the House. All those old days with Claremont and Trundle, the footer; and all that. We had a darned fine time.

As Jack Ward thought that no ball yet made was worth worrying when he could ride, drive, or even be driven, and since I was feeling about as sick with footer as it is possible for any one who had got a love for the game in him to be, I confess that we were a peculiar lot to think much of ourselves.

"When a man begins to miss getting in as I have done, he very often keeps on doing it," and he mentioned the names of two or three men who, with any luck, would have played both cricket and footer against Cambridge, but were never chosen.

First time he had played footer for a school side.... I was a bit fierce my first game for England. Don't blame him. He's a keen kid, and I am sure the other side did not mind." Christy mumbled indistinctly. No one ever seemed to take much notice of what he said.

An array of silver cups, several photographs of cricket and football teams, and a miscellaneous pile of bats, fencing-sticks, Indian clubs, etc., standing in one corner, all spoke of the athlete; while carelessly thrown down on the top of a cupboard was an article for the possession of which many a, boy would have bartered the whole of his worldly wealth a bit of worn blue velvet and the tarnished remnant of what had once been a gold tassel the "footer cap" of Ronleigh College.

Very few men seemed to care what happened to us, and nearly everybody pretended that our eight would rise again, and our footer teams cease to be laughed at, though no one tried to make them any better. Dennison wrote a skit called "The Decline and Fall of St.