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He that is to lead men must himself be led by an eager haste to follow after, and to apprehend, the very truth of things. And there must be in him clear transparent willingness to render his utmost allegiance, at any sacrifice, to the dawning convictions that may grow upon him. It is only fools that do not change.

"In their haste and flurry, however, the men mistook my order, and thinking I had said `cut away, instead of `lower away, one of the fools, who held a cutlass he had caught up to defend himself with when those infernal niggers rushed at us, the confounded idiot made a sweeping cut at the falls from which the boat hung, severing them at one blow!

The population of the valley, eager for counsel, was gathered on the old stone benches where half a century earlier their sorcerers had sat. In the twilight Kahuiti stood before us, his long white beard tied in a Psyche knot on his broad, tattooed chest. His voice was stern. We were fools, he said, to be denied food and smoke by the foreigner. What of matches before the French came?

She had addressed herself to one Miss Palliser; but two Miss Pallisers, cousins of Plantagenet Palliser, had entered the room at the same time, of whom I may say, whatever other traits of character they may have possessed, that at any rate they were not fools.

There would be no nation left." "But how could you help it?" I asked. "I don't know whether we could help it," he said; "but we would try." "You do not mean that it would come to fighting?" "I do not think they would be such fools. I hope we are supposing a very unlikely thing, Miss Randolph." I hoped so. But that impression of Southern character troubled me yet. Fighting!

Such was the picture. Ramiro awoke at the noise, and there was fear on his face as though some ill dream lingered in his brain. Next instant he saw and understood. "I will run the man through who strikes another blow," he said, in a cold clear voice as he drew his sword. "Stand up, you fools, and tell me what this means."

For nothing is so heavenly as Reason; nothing is so sweet and compassionate as her voice "Not harsh and crabbed, as dull fools suppose, But musical as is Apollo's lute," Is it cruel, is it heartless, is it barbarous to use something of the same care in breeding men and women as in breeding horses and dogs?

And how can the dear little girl have kept such a sunny look through it all! I could thrash myself like any school-boy to think that I a fool among fools should have directed the attention of Euergetes to this girl, and he, the most powerful and profligate man in the whole country. What can now be done to save Irene from him?

Shall we gie up a' we ha' learned of how men of different minds can pull together for a common end? I'm thinking we'll no be such fools. We had to pull together i' the war to keep frae being destroyed. But noo we've a chance to get something positive to mak' something profitable and worth while oot of pulling together. Before it was just a negative thing that made us do it. It was fear, in a way.

All the foolish destructions, and all the sillier savings, All the incongruous things of past incompatible ages, Seem to be treasured up here to make fools of present and future. Would to Heaven the old Goths had made a cleaner sweep of it! Would to Heaven some new ones would come and destroy me these churches! However, one can live in Rome as also in London.