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And of course she's going to pay you for all this fiddling and folderol." Persis accepted the implied rebuke meekly. "I guess I'm paying myself in the satisfaction I get out of it. I started in to stitch up some slips on the machine, but I just couldn't stand it.

Legal folderol, a mere shade of a trial. Aye; I must see her Grace. I have a message for her." "I will serve thee; Constance, I will take thy message " Adrian was interrupted by the entrance of the gaoler, who brought in cordial juleps. Her ladyship made the fellow drink, before she would allow him to go. Then, as he left them again, she said,

It's signed, 'Your affectionate guardian, James Kitson, Baron Airedale of Gledhow." "Whew!" spluttered Hobson, "the blighter has no limits. Do you mean to tell me he gets away with that folderol?" "For months he has lived at Lovaina's, Fanny's, and even on the Chinese. He has borrowed thousands of francs, and spent it for drink and often for champagne.

"Fiddlesticks and folderol! I know just how busy you are. I guess if Persis Dale hadn't thrown you over like a worn-out shoe, you'd have found time enough to get over to see her every blessed night of the world." It was clearly the moment for Persis to hang up the receiver. Regrettable as it is to record, she listened with a seeming accession of interest for Thomas' reply.

"Don't you think, papa," Carlisle said sweetly, "that it will all end in something like the French Revolution?" Mr. Heth thought it extremely likely. "Well," said he, "I shan't be bothered by their college folderol. O'Neill's easy enough managed. All I need to do is invite him and Missus O. to dinner." "Who's O'Neill?" demanded Mrs. Heth, gliding in.

"By the Lord Harry!" cried he; "you didn't go into a shop yourself and ask for that folderol?" "Got it through a sea-captain, from India, years ago," replied the lawyer, laconically. "Wouldn't she take it?" inquired Colonel Lamson, with sly meaning, his round, protruding eyes staring hard at his friend and the fan. "Never gave her the chance," said Means, with a shrewd twinkle.

Folderol lays it down as a fixed principle in an able treatise upon the law of weathercocks, that if property be stolen from an individual, without the aggregate of that property suffering reduction or diminution, he is not robbed, and the crime of theft has not been committed.

I do not know that Miss Susan is prouder of her collection of all this folderol than she is of the fact that she is a spinster. This latter peculiarity asserts itself upon every occasion possible. I recall an unpleasant scene in the omnibus last winter, when the obsequious conductor, taking advantage of my sister's white hair and furrowed cheeks, addressed that estimable lady as "Madam."

Chilian thinks you can hire people to do these things for you, but it seems so helpless not to be able to do them for yourself. Housekeeping is of more account than all this folderol. She can never be a college professor." "But women are keeping schools," interposed Eunice. "They don't teach Latin and all kinds of nonsense.

That's all newspaper talk and water-front gossip." "I ain't so doggone sure about that, cap'n bein' gossip. Of course, I don't suspect nothin' like that aboard here, but from what Chips Akers told me before he died, after the loss of the Southern Cross, I'm not so sure this devil's-admiral talk is all folderol.