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"So common a creature as Mistress Salisbury I prefer not to soil my lips by addressing you as Sally Salisbury I think that is the name by which you are best known among the Cheapside 'prentices and my lord's lackeys ought to feel vastly honoured by being permitted to sit at the same table with a woman of my rank." "Your rank? Indeed, you're quite right. It is rank. Foh!"

You will have time foh your preliminary toilet and foh a little refreshment and a pasear in town. I judge, with five ahead of you and one in, the clerk was mighty near right when he said about two hours. That allows twenty minutes to each gentleman, which is the limit. A gentleman who requires more than twenty minutes to insure his respectability, suh, is too dirty foh such accommodations.

What he was up to, I had not the remotest idea; but when he had barricaded and sealed every crack and cranny, he lighted a candle and set it on a saucer and glared at me ferociously. "Mind you, boy," he said in a very low voice, "don't you think Ah'm any friend of yo's. No, sah. Don't you think Ah'm doing nothin' foh you. No, sah. 'Cause Ah ain't. No, sah.

She was barely saved from pitching head foremost into the lot, by the timely arrival of Deacon Strong's daughter, who managed, with difficulty, to connect the excited woman's feet with the floor. "Foh de Lor' sake!" Mandy gasped, as she stood panting for breath and blinking at the pretty, young, apple-faced Julia; "I was suah most gone dat time."

One white man uster say ter nuther white man, "My nigger man Sam wanter marry yer nigger gal Lucy what does yer say en if he said hit war all right why dat couple war supposed to be married. Den Sam would work foh his marster in de daytime en den would spend de night at Lucy's house on de next plantation."

Foh, as we ah so much behind the surroundin' country in growth, we must soon take a great leap fo'wahd. We ah past the boom stage, I thank God, and what we ah now goin' to get is a rathah brisk but entiahly healthy growth. A good, healthy growth, Barslow, and no boom!"

Cap'n, he et hearty o' pie lately. Stew'd he say, 'Cap'n ain't had but one piece and Mistah Thomas, he ain't had but one piece, and Mistah Hamlin, he ain't had any. Dah's gotta be pie. You done et dat pie yo'se'f, says he. 'Oh, no, says Ah. 'Ah never et no pie. You fo'get 'bout dat pie you give Cap'n foh breakfas'. Den stew'd he done crawl out. He don' know Ah make two pies yestidday.

You see," he went on expansively, settling back in his chair, and swinging his foot with the characteristic swing of the boy of two years before "you see, Clara needed a hat-pin, the kind that would stay in and keep a hat on. None of them do, Clara said. So I made one foh huh, and Clara's brothah saw it and thought it was a good thing. He's a lawyer, you know.

"I 'ain't got time foh that, Mistah Maxwell," he said, respectfully. "I read one, and I regret to say, suh, that it was too much. I have looked into othe's, but I go no fu'thah. I have tried to open to you gentlemen the great wo'ks I have discove'ed, an' youah reply is that you-all have read them, suh. I am surprised. Do you give one glance at a picture an' nevah look again?

Gideon stretched out a broad hand and touched her head lightly; and with a tiny gasp her fingers stole up to his. "Honey," said Gideon "Honey, yo' ain' mad, is yo'?" She shook her head, not looking at him. "Yo' ain' grievin' foh yo' ma?" Again she shook her head. "Because," said Gideon, smiling down at her, "I ain' got no beeg club like she has."