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As it was impossible to see even the glare of the near gas lamp in the murky air, Lucian felt his way cautiously along the railings. The square was filled with fog, dense to the eye and cold to the feel, so that Lucian shivered with the chill, in spite of the fur coat over his evening clothes.

"There," he said, with the slight supercilious smile which was his most marked physical peculiarity, but of which he was quite unconscious, "your will is quite safe now! If we meet at Folkestone I'll hand it you back; if we miss one another in the er fog I'll destroy it, as arranged." He turned and began walking back to where Nan Archdale was sitting. What a very odd thing!

"No fear, sir," said the man; "there's a track all the way, and the moon's full. If it wasn't for the fog it would be as bright as day." He took a hasty meal, and started. They went at a foot's pace, for the shepherd was on foot. The track was easily seen, and although it was exceedingly cold, the Doctor, being well wrapped up, contrived, with incessant smoking, to be moderately comfortable.

There is no feeling in him that stays long enough to be called by any definite word there is only a streaming parade of sensations like blind men running through mist, shapes that come out of fog and sink back to it, without sight, without number, without name, with only continual hurry of feet to tell of their presence.

After struggling along for a few minutes, I hear a curious noise like a very asthmatic fog horn not above five yards away. Nothing is however, visible, for the grass forms a complete cover. Again the grunt with a suspicious after-sniff and at the same moment Chikaia, who is carrying my gun snaps his fingers the usual sign to indicate game and beckons me to follow.

The day, in the highest and brightest quarters of the town, was damp, dark, cold and gloomy. In that low and marshy spot, the fog filled every nook and corner with a thick dense cloud. Every object was obscure at one or two yards' distance.

But to get back was no slight task, for a dense fog just now enveloped us, obscuring all landmarks.

My first experience with the bathing habits of the native Aryan stocks of Europe came to pass on the morning after the night of our arrival in London. London disappointed me in one regard when I opened my eyes that morning there was no fog. There was not the slightest sign of a fog.

At present it's still in the middle of the street with red lights fore and aft. It can't be moved till the fog lifts." "What a nuisance! How on earth am I to get home?" "There are such things as taxis" suggestively. "Later, when it clears a bit, I'll send out for one." "Thanks. I'm afraid I'm giving you a lot of trouble." He did not hastily disclaim the idea as most men would have done.

"Let us get a boat and follow," counselled a third; but this was more easily said than done, as there was no other boat tied up at that landing stage, and the fog rendered navigation too difficult and dangerous to be lightly attempted.