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"You're getting so fat, little fairy, that you'll look like a snow man yourself, if you keep on." "Are snow mans always fat?" asked Flossie. "They always seem to be," Nan said, as she lifted up her little sister in her arms. Snap, the dog, came flurrying through the snow after them. "My, I can hardly carry you!" panted Nan, for Flossie was indeed growing fast, and was heavy.

She brought out water from the enclosure, and swiftly bathed Dom Manuel's hand. From the fire now came a whispering, "Make haste, Queen Freydis! make haste, dear Fairy mistress!" "There is time," said Freydis, "and do you stop flurrying me!" She brought from the enclosure a pot of ointment, and she dressed Manuel's hand. "Borram, borram, Leanhaun shee!" the fire crackled. "Now the hour ends."

And when one thinks of it a minute, it sends one half-fearfully, half-triumphantly back to one's work the very thought of it. The Crowd hurrying, the Crowd's flurrying Machines, and the Crowd's God, send one back to one's work! In the afternoon I go out again, slip my way through the crowds along the Strand, toward Charing Cross.

I declare I didn't think it would crowd us so, when I invited the whole family. But it will be only for a week, and we'll get along somehow." "Many hands make light work," and with much flurrying and scurrying the rooms were made ready for the expected guests. About noon the expressman came, bringing two trunks.

This noise greatly excites other spiders in the vicinity, and presently they are seen quitting their webs and flurrying to the scene of conflict. Sometimes the captor is driven off, and then the strongest or most daring spider carries away the fly.

We passed some cavalry officers galloping across a brown field; birds were battling against a flurrying wind; high overhead an aeroplane sailed serenely. There was a sense of life, motion and exhilaration abroad, but only for the first half hour of our journey. Then momentarily a depression grew up about us.

They returned to Ramelton through the storm, which increased in fury every moment. I, in the safe shelter of the farmhouse, looked out of the window, hoping the storm would moderate, but it increased until every thing a few yards from the house, every mountain top and hill side were blotted out, and nothing could be seen but the flurrying snow driven past by the winds.

As the daylight shoots athwart the horizon and lightens the darkness of the bush to a gray twilight the horse raises his head and pricks up his ears. The man's eyes glance swiftly toward the south and his alertness is intensified. Now the soft rustle of flurrying snow becomes audible, and the muffled pounding of a horse's hoofs can be heard upon the trail.

Fisker, who still lingered in London, did his best to put a stop to this folly, and on more than one occasion somewhat snubbed his partner. 'My dear fellow, what's the use of your flurrying yourself? In a thing of this kind, when it has once been set agoing, there is nothing else to do. You may have to work your fingers off before you can make it move, and then fail.

Daughtry cried, at sight of the whale flurrying the water with aimless, gigantic splashings. "It must a-smashed both of 'em." "Schooner he finish close up altogether," Kwaque observed, as the Mary Turner's rail disappeared. Swiftly she sank, and no more than a matter of moments was it when the stump of her mainmast was gone.