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The Irrawaddy is rapid in its flow, and, like all flood rivers, is constantly changing its course, as the scour of the water washes away a portion of the bank from one spot, to form a sand-bank in the stream lower down.

With a simple circuit, therefore, between two stations and where an intermediate battery is not necessary, a relay is not used. The arrows indicate the direction of flow. All magnets have two poles, north and south.

If the reader will take the map, he will see that two narrow estuaries, the Great and the Little Bras d'Or, enter the island of Cape Breton, on the ragged northeast coast, above the town of Sydney, and flow in, at length widening out and occupying the heart of the island.

In regard to that ready flow of words, which seems to be the natural gift of some men, it is of little consequence whether it be really such, or be owing to the education and habits of early life, and vain self-confidence.

'But this is quite an adventure, said she, reanimated by the brisker flow of her blood. 'We ought really to be thankful for it, in days when nothing happens. Redworth accused her of getting that idea from the perusal of romances. 'Yes, our lives require compression, like romances, to be interesting, and we object to the process, she said. 'Real happiness is a state of dulness.

God takes our outward necessities and uses them as figures by which to make us alive to the facts of our inward neediness, and of the abundant power that there is in Him to satisfy us. The Bible is full of promises as outwardly impossible as that a river should flow through the midst of Jerusalem.

On the seventeenth birthday of Agnes we were married. Oh! calendar of everlasting months months that, like the mighty rivers, shall flow on for ever, immortal as thou, Nile, or Danube, Euphrates, or St.

For what is 'the world, in this context, but the aggregate of men, who have no share in the love and life that flow from Jesus Christ?

But if this bare form or scheme of confrontation is understood and interpreted as profoundly as possible, then all the other characteristics of the tragic drama are seen to flow from it; and thus for the first time to be really explained by being accounted for. The tragic drama not only is, but must be, collision, because confrontation, understood as richly as possible, must be collision.

"'Halechalbe, said she, 'truth seems to flow from your lips: spare your life; it is essential to my happiness; but if we are to be united for life, attend to the conditions upon which I will yield my heart. My name and rank must remain unknown to you until the steps I am now taking shall have enabled me publicly to acknowledge you for my husband.