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Soon, too, they saw the familiar posters: PICKERS WANTED; and the Reo followed the signs to the fields. They were pea-fields, this time, but Grandma, peering at the pea-pickers' camp, cried, "My land, if this ain't Floridy all over again!"

"There wasn't no sense, so I tole 'em, in 'totin' us way off here in the dead o' winter. I'se kotched a misery in my back, and got the shivers all over me. I'se too old any way to leave my cabin thar in Floridy, and I'd a heap sight rather of stayed and died on de old plantation.

"The Captain's wounded and Joe's going away to Floridy. Maybe I kin git you up another band." Without an instant's consideration of this ambitious proposition, Mrs. Cannon threw Cy James, by main strength, through the window of her bar, into her kitchen, and he bawled like a baby, yet came out of his grief muttering, "Ploughin', ploughin'! I'll make her into batter and fry her yet."

Ye ought to go to a doctor an' have ye'er eyes re-set, but ye're a good fellow. Go downstairs, I'd say, 'into th' basemint iv the ship, I'd say, 'an' open th' cupboard jus' nex' to th' head iv th' bed, an' find th' bottle marked "Floridy Wather," an' threat ye'ersilf kindly. That's what I'd say to Cervera. He's all right.

Moreover, as the schooner Nancy Bell, owned by the subscriber, is just now waiting for a charter, I propose to load her with the said mill machinery, and whatever articles you may think the Wakulla colony to be most in need of, and despatch her to the St. Mark's River, Floridy.

No, the other way, will look best, because the velvet is thickest, the skirt of pink and the waist of blue." "Well, I will have to make my doll's frock of all the same, with velvet trimming. Will that look well?" "Lovely! What are you going to do with your piece, Bubbles?" "Make a overskirt for Floridy Alabamy," said Bubbles, importantly.

Seems as if Maine air was the correct thing for Floridy boys, eh?" "Yes, indeed, 'Uncle Christmas," replied Mark, as he ran out to meet the dear old man, "Maine air is the very thing for this Florida boy, at any rate." "So it is, so it is," chuckled Uncle Christopher. "Wal, I suppose you're all ready to go to work now, eh?" "To be sure I am, uncle; ready to begin right off."

Here Uncle Christopher's lumber business detained him for a week, and here he introduced Mark to all his friends as "My grandnephew, Mr. Mark Elmer, Jun., President of the Elmer Mills down in Floridy," covering Mark with much confusion thereby, and enjoying the joke immensely himself. Now the real object of bringing the boy on this trip was disclosed. Mr.

You'll find 'em at the big city houses, the first of the winter, and then they go down to Floridy or Georgy for February and March; and they get up to Fortress Monroe in April, and work along north about the middle of May to them family hotels in the suburbs around Boston; and they stay there till it's time to go to the shore.

About the end of September his Uncle Christopher called Mark into his study one evening, and telling him to sit down, said, "Well, Mark, my boy, I suppose you're beginning to think of going home again to Floridy, eh?" "Yes, uncle; father writes that both Ruth and I ought to come home very soon now, and I, for one, am quite ready to go." "So you ought, so you ought.