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Sixty bones per week; pretty neat, what? We begin rehearsing in July, open August eighth, and if it's a go, go on indefinitely. The Cluetts and I are in this the rest of the company's gone flooey. Meanwhile, I have three weeks to wait, and I'm staying with my aunt in Pittsville studying like mad." "And what are you doing in Monroe?" Martie said contentedly, as they wandered along.

"Yes, sir. He sure is. And he's a darb, Lieutenant." "So I hear. Piling up quite a record. How many of the old gang still here, Williams?" "Not many. If the Hun doesn't get 'em, nerves and the smell of castor-oil does. Half a dozen of 'em gone flooey in the stomach. Couldn't eat enough to keep a bird alive and couldn't keep that down. It's a tough game, Lieutenant.

There, now you beat it for home. Lane, go with her to the stairs. Take a good look in the street. Bessy, go home the back way. And Lane, you hurry back." Lane followed Bessy out and caught up with her in the hall. She clasped his arm. "Some adventure, I'll say!" she burst out, in breathless whisper. "It was great until I recognized your voice. Then all inside me went flooey."

He feels like the President has made him a mandarin or something; but if the whole Government went flooey to-morrow he'd just say, 'Can happen! and pick up his funny fiddle. Of course it ain't human, but it helps to keep help. I had him six years now, and the only thing that can't happen is his leaving. I don't say there wasn't reasons why he first took the place." Reasons?

"What you doin' in this town?" "Cookin' for the camp. But I can't hold that job long. My whole left side is goin' flooey. The boss give me hallelujah to-day for bein' slow. I'm sick of the job." "Well, you ought to be. Suppose you come over to the sheriff and tell him what you know about the killin' of Pat." "Nope; I was scared you would say that.

See how you like it." "What's the big idea?" "Swell reception at the Maison de Glue, with the waiters on roller skates in honour of rich Uncle Rollo Glue. The head waiter starts the fight by doing a fall with his tray. Tom gets the tray in the neck and soaks the nearest man banquet goes flooey. Then we go into the chase stuff." "Which is Uncle Rollo?"