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Is not that a good characterisation? Good-bye for the moment, as I must see about Benella's luncheon. Yours affectionately S.P. 'The spreading Lee that, like an Island fayre, Encloseth Corke with his divided floode. Edmund Spenser.

With wondrous pompe and furniture, amid the Church they go, With candles, crosses, banners, Chrisme, and oyle appoynted tho: Nine times about the font they marche, and on the saintes doe call, Then still at length they stande, and straight the Priest begins withall, And thrise the water doth he touche, and crosses thereon make, Here bigge and barbrous wordes he speakes, to make the devill quake: And holsome waters conjureth, and foolishly doth dresse, Supposing holyar that to make, which God before did blesse: And after this his candle than, he thrusteth in the floode, And thrise he breathes thereon with breath, that stinkes of former foode: And making here an ende, his Chrisme he poureth thereupon, The people staring hereat stande, amazed every one; Beleeving that great powre is given to this water here, By gaping of these learned men, and such like trifling gere.

A second shepherd appears with another grumble: 'We sely wedmen dre mekyll wo. Some men, indeed, have been known to desire two wives or even three, but most would sooner have none at all. Whereupon enters Daw, a third shepherd, complaining of portents 'With mervels mo and mo. 'Was never syn noe floode sich floodys seyn'; even 'I se shrewys pepe' apparently a portentous omen.