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Some wore full tunics striped white and blue, which floated around them like a mist; others wore mere pleated short skirts falling over the hips to the knees, which allowed their beautiful, slender legs and round muscular thighs to be easily seen.

She saw Medland again chasing a butterfly, as she had seen him on the day he came to Government House to receive his office. The butterfly floated always just over his head, and he always came near to catching it, yet never caught it.

"It's no use!" he called; "I'll have to tip over!" and the next second the canoe was upside down and both belligerents were in the water. The Porcupine floated high I suppose his hollow quills helped to keep him up and he proved a much better swimmer than I had expected, for he quickly made his way to the beach and disappeared in the woods, still chattering disrespectfully.

Part of the time he tried to reply in kind. To his intense disgust, he was taken seriously in neither case. In a couple of hours' run the wanigan had overtaken and left far behind the rear of the drive. All about floated the logs, caroming gently one against the other, shifting and changing the pattern of their brown against the blue of the water.

Then, as he made no rejoinder, only listening to the vocal inflexions that floated out of the house, she went on "She's practising her speech." "Her speech? Is she going to deliver one here?" "No, as soon as they go back to town at the Music Hall." Ransom's attention was now transferred to his companion. "Is that why you call it her great effort?" "Well, so they think it, I believe.

"The night," pursued Villiers, no one noticing the interruption save by an impatient 'pish, "gave every indication of a speedy break up. The ice yet floated along in disjoined masses, but with even greater rapidity than on the preceding day.

Although a strict analysis might prove detrimental, I assure you the tout ensemble was picturesque indeed. "Italia! oh Italia! thou who hast The fatal gift of beauty." Art rivaled here. Thy gorgeous skies have floated hither, and hover like a halo round the town.

During séances held with Eusapia Palladino, objects were moved from place to place in the room without visible contact, and apparently of their own accord. They were also lifted from place to place and floated about in the air without visible support.

Imperceptibly his outlook had shifted since then. Something had been stirring within him; new points of view had floated into his ken. He was no longer so sure about things. The structure of his mind had lost that old stability; its elements seemed to be held in solution, ready to form new combinations.

I am all alone in the world and friendless. . . . I have come to you, Monsieur, in my distress . . . and you will help me, will you not?" She looked more adorable in grief than she had ever done before. To tell you that at this moment visions floated in my mind, before which Dante's visions of Paradise would seem pale and tame, were but to put it mildly. I was literally soaring in heaven.