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It is Bacchus that conducts men into the courts of Venus. Mr. Flexner, who for scientific reasons made a comprehensive study of Prostitution in Europe, reports that in every country the whole traffic is "soaked in drink."

Ward, "Applied Sociology," pp. 169-98. Flexner, "Prostitution in Europe," p. 72. Ellis, "Studies in the Psychology of Sex," VI, 293. The individualism of rural thinking has been universally recognized. It is this attitude of mind that has produced much of the strength of rural character and much of the weakness of rural society.

Buttrick this for the benefit of his incredulous friend "what is the scientific standing of Dr. Charles W. Stiles?" "Very, very high," came the immediate response, and at this Dr. Gates pricked up his ears. Yet the subsequent conversation disclosed that Dr. Flexner was unfamiliar with the Stiles hookworm work. "If Dr.

Lissman, I got good reasons to have pleasure out of my children. I guess you heard, Mrs. Lissman, what a grand position my Izzy has got with his uncle, of the Isadore Flexner Banking-house. Lissman, for a boy like Izzy!" "I tell you, Mrs. Shongut, if you got rich relations it's a help." "How grand my brother has done for himself, Mrs. Lissman! Such a house he has built on Kingston Place!

"Here I have some anti-crotalus venine, of Drs. Flexner and Noguchi. Fortunately, in the city it is within easy reach." Quickly, with the aid of the physician he injected it into Veda's arm. "Of all substances in nature," he remarked, still at work over the unfortunate woman, "none is so little known as the venom of serpents." It was a startling idea which the sentence had raised in my mind.

I have been deeply interested in the story of a desperate experiment to save a child's life, told in a letter written by one of my associates soon after the event described; and it seems worthy of repeating. Dr. Alexis Carrel has been associated with Dr. Flexner and his work, and his wonderful skill has been the result of his experiments and experiences. "Dr.

Simon Flexner, of the Institute for Medical Research, has had to face exaggerated and even sensational reports, which have no basis of truth whatever. But consider for a moment what has been accomplished recently, under the direction of Dr. Flexner in discovering a remedy for epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis.

Flexner remarks. "Our historic educational problem has been and is quite independent of any position we might be able to achieve in the world. That problem has always been: How can we frame conditions in which individuals can realize the best that is in them?" Dr. Flexner is then reported to have quoted the following from a Springfield Republican editorial:

It is, for instance, one of the commonest actual causes of death in Bright's disease, in diabetes, in lingering forms of tuberculosis, and in heart disease; and last of all, in that progressive process of normal degeneration and decay which we term "Old Age." It is one of the most frequent and fatal of what Flexner described a decade ago as "terminal infections."

Buttrick, then induce him to persuade Dr. Gates, who, if convinced, had ready access to the great treasure house. But Dr. Buttrick could not move him. So the reform marked time until one day Dr. Buttrick, Dr. Gates, and Dr. Simon Flexner, the Director of the Rockefeller institute, happened to be fellow travellers again on a Pullman car. "Dr. Flexner," said Dr.