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I believe, however, I shall follow my own opinion; for the world has shewn a very flattering partiality to my writings, on many occasions. BOSWELL. In Boswelliana, p. 222, Boswell, after recording a story about Voltaire, adds: 'In contradiction to this story, see in my Journal the account which Tronchin gave me of Voltaire. This Journal was probably destroyed by Boswell's family.

Polly had by nature that healthy capacity for asking questions, which is one of the most flattering characteristics that a woman can have or assume. "He was always doing decent things. Didn't have much money, either, but somehow he always made it do for a lot of folks who didn't have any. He adopted a girl that wasn't any kin to him, had her educated and then married her.

Though somewhat startled at the abrupt transition, Uncle Jaw found the suggestion too flattering to his pride to be dropped; so, with a countenance grimly expressive of his satisfaction, he replied, "Why, yes yes I don't see no reason why a poor man's son ha'n't as much right as any one to be at the top, if he can get there." "Just so," replied Deacon Enos.

The Opal meantime had arrived, and, being paid off, her crew were turned over to Jack's new ship, the Tornado. Murray, once more with his dear Stella, very naturally had no wish to leave her, and they were on the point of setting off for Scotland, when he received a flattering note from Captain Hemming, which completely altered his plans.

Sir, we have already lost many of those benefits and restrictions which were obtained for us by the revolution, and the act of settlement. For God's sake, let us proceed no farther. But if we are thus to go on, and if, to procure the grace and favour of the crown, this is to become the flattering measure of every successive administration, this country is undone! Mr.

She spoke again suddenly: "Do you know you're not a bit the kind of man I expected you to be, Mr. Temple? I've heard so much of you from Mr. Vernon. We're such old friends, you know." "Apparently he can't paint so well with words as he does with oils. May I ask exactly how flattering the portrait was?" "It wasn't flattering at all. In fact it wasn't a portrait." "A caricature?"

This most flattering salutation from a perfect stranger, would have gratified us not a little as a token of his having held us in high respect, and for that reason been desirous of our acquaintance, if we had not suspected from the first, that the young gentleman, in making a desperate effort to get through the ceremony of introduction, had, in the bewilderment of his ideas, shaken hands with us at random.

The beauty of the season is but half developed, so that while there is enough to yield present delight there is the flattering promise of still further enjoyment. Good heavens! after passing two years amidst the sunburnt wastes of Castile, to be let loose to rove at large over this fragrant and lovely land!" It was not easy, however, even in the Alhambra, perfectly to call up the past:

Answers were given glibly enough, and at the end of that hour, with profuse assurances of amicable consideration, he departed, probably laying the flattering unction to his soul that much valuable information had been unconsciously imparted to him.

His doctor, with whom he was very intimate, had spoken of him to me in the most flattering way as being a passionate admirer of my music. I often met him at meal times at the 'Erzherzog Karl, after Standhartner had joined his family, and we planned a visit to Count Nako on his estate at Schwarzau, some distance away.