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You're too innocent to be left alone with your own tender. Oh, you you flatcar!" There was a roar of escaping steam before any one could answer, and .007 nearly blistered his paint off with pure mortification. "A hot-box," began the Compound, picking and choosing her words as though they were coal, "a hotbox is the penalty exacted from inexperience by haste. Ahem!"

Again one of those agonizing waits, racking to the two men whose future depended largely upon the happenings atop the range. Far on the other side, fighting slowly upward, was a freight train containing flatcar after flatcar loaded with the necessary materials of a large sawmill. True, June was yet two months away.

No; no one's hurt, but both tracks are blocked. Lucky the wreckin'-car an' derrick are this end of the yard. Crew 'll be along in a minute. Hurry! You've the track." "Well, I could jest kick my little sawed-off self," said Poney, as .007 was backed, with a bang, on to a grim and grimy car like a caboose, but full of tools a flatcar and a derrick behind it.

As the extent of Murphy's connection with civilisation was never more than fifteen miles down the line, Torrance and Tressa could laugh without offending his choleric feelings. Murphy became aware of the few inches of flatcar that overhung the trestle. "Ye mooney-face!" he roared at the brakesman who, his day's work done, was lolling on the grass.