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Its flames flared from the top of the famous lighthouse on the island of Pharos at the entrance of the harbour, and, swayed to and fro by the wind, steeped the horizon and the outer edge of the dark water in the harbour with moving masses of light which irradiated the gloomy distance, sometimes faintly, anon more brilliantly.

"Have you been engaged long, Mr. Hammond you and Miss Beale?" Dundee asked, as if quite casually. "Nearly a year, if it's any of your business, Dundee!" "And just when had you seen Miss Beale last, before late this afternoon?" Dundee asked. "I refuse to answer!" Hammond flared. "That at least is none of your damned business!" "I believe I can answer my own question, Mr.

Then Maitland got a footing on the carpet and put forth his strength; the other gave way, slipped, and went to his knees. Maitland's hands found his throat, fingers sinking deep into flesh as he bore the fellow backward. A match flared noiselessly and the gas blazed overhead.

It was an old belief of the poets and the common people that nature was sympathetic towards human beings at certain great crises. Comets flared and the sun was darkened at the death of a great man.

Meanwhile every one shouted, the naphtha flared, the drums beat, the horses champed.

Ambrose had no doubt that when the match flared up the half-breed took a survey of the sleeping men. He left the room, and Ambrose heard the chair tipped back against the wall once more. A little later Ambrose became conscious that Strange was at the library door again, though this time he had not heard him come.

On the grassy plain were huddled the wagons, animals and trappings of over two hundred boomers. Here and there flared up the remains of a campfire, but the wind was blowing too strongly for these to be replenished, and the men had followed their wives and children into the big, canvas-covered wagons, to make themselves as comfortable as the crowded space permitted.

On the night of the 15th French hopes suddenly flared up all through the camp when the word flew round that three strange men-of-war just reported down off Beauport were the vanguard of a great French fleet. But daylight showed them to be British, and British bent on immediate and vigorous attack.

Then they sat still again. The flames rose above the eaves on one side, and flared higher and hotter. Soon they grew scorching, and Agnes said, with quickened breathing: "We couldn't stay here long." He looked at her, and the side of her face toward the fire glowed bright red.

Gallito was about to answer and then, suddenly, he seemed to stiffen, his hand, which was conveying a match to his cigarette, remained motionless, the flame of the match flared up and then went out in a gust of wind. "Look, Bob, look," he said, in a low voice. "What do you see out there?" Flick's eyes, keener even than his, swept the desert.