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The Spirit of Tin is a Preserver from all Distempers & Accidents whereby the Liver is consumed or put into malady; its Spirit is naturally to be compared unto Honey in Taste, its Mercury being made volatile, gains a venomous quality; for it purges violently, and penetrates through by force, therefore it is not alwayes to be advised, that its opened Mercury should be used alone and simply, but if a Correction precede, there may an excellent benefit succeed, being used in those distempers and diseases, which are immediately subject to its Influence, that is, when its venomous volatility is taken away, and set in a better and fixeder state, which resists the poison.

A fix'd coagulated Mercury is found in the Diamond, therefore it is fixeder and harder than the other stones, and cannot be so broken; so the tincture of Mars, or the Sulphur of Iron is found in the Ruby, the Sulphur of Venus in the Emerald, the Soul of Saturn in the Granate; in Tin the tincture which is found in the Topaz; and Crystal is appropriated to common Mercury; in the Saphire is found the Sulphur and Tincture of Luna, but each one according to a peculiar understanding, and according to its kind, and in Metals according to their form and gender; for when the blew Colour is taken and extracted out of the Saphire, its Rayment is gone, and its other Body is white as a Diamond, wanting only the hardness that is in a Diamond; even so when Gold hath lost its Soul, it yields a fix'd white Gold Body, which by searching Students and young Artists is called fix'd Luna.