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"A fight is nothing," declared Belle with spirit. "You're in training to become a fighting man, and a bout or two at fistcuffs is nothing more or less than so much valuable experience. Dave, promise me something?" "Of course, if it's anything promisable." "You'll write me " "Can you doubt that, Belle?" "And let me know exactly and truthfully if anything further comes of this," she finished.

The little spurt of fistcuffs was brief, but it gave Mershone, who stood in the shadow of the door-way near by, time to whisper to a police officer, who promptly seized the disputants and held them both in a firm grip. "What's all this?" he demanded, sternly. "That drunken loafer assaulted me without cause" gasped Arthur, panting. "It's a lie!" retorted the man, calmly; "he struck me first."

While my thoughts aspired to a sphere so far above me, I had unwittingly made a conquest of the cookwench and dairymaid, who became so jealous of each other that, if their sentiments had been refined by education, it is probable one or other of them would have had recourse to poison or steel to be avenged of her rival; but, as their minds were happily adapted to their humble station, their mutual enmity was confined to scolding and fistcuffs, in which exercise they were both well skilled.