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Blind forces in themselves; shaping thoughts as they shaped features and battled for the moulding of constitution and the mingling of temperament. Philosophy and poetry came to me before I knew their names. Je fis mes premiers vers, sans savoir les ecrire. Not verses so much as the stuff that verses are made of.

J'étais allé en Angleterre en 1882 sans pouvoir gagner Édimbourg. J'y retournai en 1883 avec la commission d'assainissement de la ville de Paris, dont je faisais partie. Jenkin me rejoignit. Je le fis entendre par mes collègues; car il était fondateur d'une société de salubrité. Il eut un grand succès parmi nous. Mais ce voyage me restera toujours en mémoire parce que c'est l

The patois of Languedoc and Champagne, such as "Mein fis sest ai bai via," Mon fils c'est un beau veau, exercises, it is true, the ingenuity of travellers, and renders many scenes of Moliere and Marivaux difficult, if not unintelligible, to those who have never resided in the French provinces; but no French patois is more unintelligible than the following specimen of Tummas and Meary's Lancashire dialogue:

"Pomp and um fader see some fis' good to eat," said the boy. "Come see." I climbed up to where he was, and he pointed; but for some time I could make out nothing but driftwood, a tree floating roots upward, and some great patches of grass that seemed to have been scooped out of a bank, roots and all. "I can't see anything," I said at last. "What, not dah?" cried Pomp. "No."

"Come, cheer up." "Can't any more, my lad," said Morgan. "No one can't say, look you, that I haven't cheered up through thick and thin. But, look here, Master George, speaking fair now, what is the good of Injuns?" "Injum no good," said Pomp, sharply. "Right, boy; no good at all. Phew!" he whistled; "how them logs do burn!" "Ah! No duck, no fis', no turkey roace on 'tick!" said Pomp, regretfully.

"'Je fis mes premiers vers sans savoir les ecrire." "I am not a very good French scholar, said I; perhaps you will be kind enough to translate that line for me. "'Certainly. With pleasure. I made my first verses without knowing how to write them. "How interesting! But I never heard of Louise Colet. Who was she? "My man was pleased to gi-ve me a piece of literary information.

'Ef you don't take off dat hat en tell me howdy, I'm gwine ter bus' you wide open, sezee. "Tar-Baby stay still, en Brer Fox, he lay low. "Brer Rabbit keep on axin' 'im, en de Tar-Baby, she keep on sayin' nothin', twel present'y Brer Rabbit draw back wid his fis', he did, en blip he tuck 'er side er de head. Right dar's whar he broke his merlasses jug. His fis' stuck, en he can't pull loose.

Jenkin me rejoignit. Je le fis entendre par mes collegues; car il etait fondateur d'une societe de salubrite. Il eut un grand succes parmi nous. Mais ce voyaye me restera toujours en memoire parce que c'est la que se fixa defenitivement notre forte amitie.

"His son Hartley's drinking again, and there ain't any one but Harkless can do anything with him. You let him tackle a sick man to nurse, or a tipsy one to handle, and I tell you," Mr. Willetts went on with enthusiasm, "he is at home. It beats me, and lots of people don't think college does a man any good! Why, the way he cured old Fis " "See!" cried Minnie, loudly, pointing out of the window.