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"Oh, well, I'm not," I said. "It's glorious to be able to get back once more to the dear old place. I say, though, you don't want Pomp any longer?" "Ah, but I do, sir. Why?" "I want to row up and have a bit of fishing. It does seem so long since I've had a turn." "Eh? Who said go fis?" cried Pomp, sharply. "Mass' George go fish? Catch terrapum, and take de gun?" "Morgan says he can't spare you."

"No, walk, kedge fis'," said Jackum, shaking his head. "Bully-woolly dar." "Bully-woolly?" said Carey, wonderingly. Jackum threw himself on the ground, with his legs stiffened out behind, and his hands close to his sides.

"Wait Injum gone, and we kedge fis' and roast um for dinner," said Pomp; and then we sat for some little time in silence, listening for the slightest sound.

La montée est trés-rude parce qu'il n'y a point de chemin; je la fis

Though Domingo is naturally shy, and does not make a display of his attainments, he is a man of education, and is quite prepared, if you wish it, to write out his menu. Here is a sample Soup. Salary Soup. Fis. Heel fish fry. Madish. Russel Pups. Wormsil mole. Joint. Roast Bastard. Toast. Anchovy Poshteg. Puddin. Billimunj. Ispunj roli.

Jackoo, come up, sir: don't you see dat big shovel nosed fis looking at you? Pull your handout of the water Caramighty!" The negro threw himself on the gammoning of the bowsprit to take hold of the poor ape, who, mistaking his kind intention, and ignorant of his danger, shrunk from him, lost his hold, and fell into the sea.

Billy Brackett, still panting from his exertions, was bending over Binney Gibbs, who was struggling back to consciousness. Solon was sitting up, tenderly feeling of his swollen features, and declaring, "Dat ar man hab a fis' lak de hin laig ob a mewel." Glen and Winn had manned one of the sweeps, and were trying to get the raft properly headed with the current.

This particular vision, the Fis Adamnáin, is remarkable among other things for its literary quality, which is far superior to anything of the time, and for the fact that it represents "the highest level of the school to which it belonged," and that it is "the most important contribution made to the growth of the legend within the Christian Church prior to the advent of Dante."

M'étant rendu chez le Président, lui demander d'abord la punition de ce crime atroce, il eut l'inconvenance de m'objecter que la conduite des François étoit très repréhensible, je remarquoi ces paroles et le lui fis observer; elles ne pouvoient s'appliquer d'ailleurs qu'

"Tell boys kedgee fis'?" The beachcomber nodded, and the black shouted again, with the result that six more of the blacks came running to the side and dropped over into the canoe. "Hi, Jack, tell the others, if cookey here " "Dis cookey?" asked the black, touching Carey on the head. "No, stupid. That one." "Iss. Dat cookey," and he nodded and grinned at Bostock.