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"Well, good-evening, Gertie, good-evening," said Netta, turning to Garvie; "then I may tell my nurse that the engine-driver of the express will take care of her." "Yes, ma'am, you may; for the matter o' that, the fireman of the express will keep an eye on her too," said the gallant William, touching his cap as the two friends left that bright oasis in the desert and returned to Eden Villa.

And a few whose concern it was noted the fact that the Ocean Waif, of London, on a voyage from Antwerp and Southampton to the River Plate, had supposedly been wrecked off the north coast of France. Sole survivor, Albert Robinson, apparently a fireman or a steward, who lay at the Hotel de la Plage at Yport, unconscious, and suffering from a severe concussion of the brain.

This much befel Zau al-Makan and the Fireman; but as regards what happened to his sister Nuzhat al-Zaman, when she left her brother in the Khan where they abode and, wrapped in the old camlet, went out to seek service with some one, that she might earn wherewithal to buy him the roast meat he longed for, she fared on, weeping and knowing not whither to go, whilst her mind was occupied with thoughts of her brother and of her family and her native land.

There is no occupation in which the lives of the men employed are so frequently risked, and their physical endurance so severely tried, as that of a London fireman. As there are, on the average, five fires every night all the year round, it follows that he is liable to be called out several times every night; and, in point of fact, this actually takes place very often.

Still the fireman notion had too many attractions to be lightly thrown aside, and consequently for some time to come he could hardly be said to know his own mind as to his future. The presence of the military in Halifax was far from being an unmixed good.

"I'm going to have a candy store, an' be a fireman, an' a soldier, all together!" "Dear! dear!" laughed Dinah. "Jess to heah dat now! It's wonderful wot yo' is gwine to be when yo' is big." At that moment the front door bell rang, and all rushed to the hallway, to greet their mother, who had been down-town, on a shopping tour. "Oh, mamma, what have you brought?"

The trip to Poquette was exhilarating and uneventful. Parker left his fireman to look after the "train," and accompanied by an interested retinue of citizens, tramped across the six miles of carry road on a preliminary tour of inspection. He returned well satisfied. The route was fairly level; a few détours would save all cuts, and the plan of trestles would do away with fills.

Treasure box taken and passengers robbed. The best description of the robbers that could be had, was given. I showed both telegrams to the conductor, who held the train until he could get a dozen Winchesters from the town. In the meantime I had put the fireman on, and we put the finishing touches on the engine, No. 38 a big, new machine, with eight drivers, and in the pink of condition.

At this point Willie caught Miss Ward gazing intently at him over the top of her slate, so he threw her into violent confusion by winking at her. "No, boy, I can't make you a fireman. Strange wish why d'you want to be one?" "'Cause it's such jolly fun," replied Willie; with real enthusiasm, "reg'lar bangin' crashin' sort o' work as good as fightin' any day! An' my brother Frank's a fireman.

They were recounting experiences, and the fireman, who was a green hand, was getting very nervous as he listened to the tales of wrecks and disasters, the horrors of which were graphically described by the veteran engineers.