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And you forget that Summer is even now lowering with its mist, and with its scorching rays, upon the hem of your flowery May! The hands of the old clock upon the mantel, that ticked off the hours when Charlie sighed and when Charlie died, draw on toward midnight. The shadows that the fire-flame makes grow dimmer and dimmer.

If Tou Tou were here, she would overwhelm me with officious questions would stare me crazy, but Barbara averts her eyes, and asks nothing. We have been sitting in perfect silence for a long while; no noise but the click of Barbara's knitting-pins, the low flutter of the fire-flame, and the sort of suppressed choked inward bark, with which Vick attacks a phantom tomcat in her dreams.

The sparkle of the brilliants, and the fire-flame of the great ruby in the grip, drew him irresistibly, and he stood considering. Directly he spoke in a low voice: "No one has been here since" He hesitated glanced hurriedly around to again assure himself it was not possible to be overheard then finished the sentence: "No one has been here since I came a thousand years ago."

It is true there is a love which admits of no rivalry;" here his eye turned involuntarily to me, "which enshrines but one object, which dwells in the inner temple, the angel of angels. But other affections do not become weaker in consequence of its strength. We may not see the fire-flame burn as brightly when the sun shines upon it, but the flame is burning still."