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Both Mary and he had grown a little ashamed of their covert sarcasms, and yet to leave them out was bread without yeast, meat without salt, as far as their own powers of speech were concerned. "I thought, the other day," he began again, with an effort, "when it blew up cool, that the warm weather was over." "It seem to be finishin' ad the end, I think," responded the Creole.

"I told her that I saw him, and he said he'd be here to-night, so she's frizzled and primped to receive him." "You'll get into a scrape," said Frank. "I don't care for that, if I can see some fun. Come right into the parlor, and we'll all hide. Aunt's up in her room, layin' on the finishin' touches." Into the parlor they slipped.

"We don't know," he said; "we was just put in here to dig. At first there was ten of us; but we was kep' on to give the finishin' touches." "What became of the others?" "Oh, Mr. Blizzard, he's got other work for them." "Is this place under his house?" "No, sir, it ain't. But the cellar at the head of them steps is." "Maybe he's hollered this out to hide things in?"

An' there, tail an' head up like he was a 'leven-hundred-pound Kentucky hunter 'stead of heavy-weight draught, comes that old Chieftain, a whinnyin' like a three-year-old. An' on his back, mind you, old Tim Doyle, grinnin' away 'sif he was Tod Sloan finishin' first at the Brooklyn Handicap. Tickled? I never see a horse show anything so plain in all my life.

Still looking straight at her he asked a question: "Tell me one thing, Emmy Lou, jest to satisfy my curiosity and before we go any further with this here bothersome affair that's makin' you unhappy. It seems like to me I heared somewheres that you first met this young man of yours whilst you and little Mildred were off at Knollwood Seminary finishin' your educations. Is that so or ain't it?"

They were all dead. The blue and grey men were talking to one another now. "Well, Johnnie," a Yankee called through the shadows, "I can't admit that you're inspired of God, but after to-day I must say that you are possessed of the devil." "Same to you, Yank! Your papers say we're all demoralized anyhow so to-morrow you oughtn't have no trouble finishin' us!"

To see him, and Deacon Henzy, and Deacon Bobbet, and the rest dressed up in a few feathers a-jumpin' round, and a-beatin' tin-pans, and a-contortin' their old frames, would, I thought, be the finishin' touch to me. I had stood lots of his experimentin' and branchin's out into new idees, but I felt that I could not brook this, so I would not heed his desire to stop. I made him move onwards.

"It's about a feller sittin' one day by the org'n," came a voice from behind John's shoulder, so like David's as fairly to startle him, "an' not feelin' exac'ly right kind o' tired an' out o' sorts, an' not knowin' jest where he was drivin' at jest joggin' along with a loose rein fer quite a piece, an' so on; an' then, by an' by, strikin' right into his gait an' goin' on stronger an' stronger, an' fin'ly finishin' up with an A men that carries him quarter way 'round the track 'fore he c'n pull up."

As we did so we hearn the voice of oratory comin' from the other side, where some Esquimeaux seemed to be gathered with open mouths and wonderin' linements. The orator seemed to be finishin' his address in words as follers: "Let us not permit ourselves to be spiritually incapacitated by quandaries regarding the control of earthly matter.

Keith who put the idea in your head. How perfectly silly!" "Silly? Why is it silly?" "Because it is. It's ridiculous." "No, it ain't, it's common sense. Other girls go to city finishin' schools, don't they? That Irene Mullet's just gone, for one. Don't you think we figger to do as much for our girl as Becky Mullet can do for hers? Jumpin' fire!