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It only teacheth us to seek and to do bonum, velut finem naturæ, such a good as is an end proportioned to nature. All these precepts of the law of nature which we have spoken of could never lead men to a supernatural good. It is only the divine law, revealed from God, which informeth the minds of men with such notions as are supra naturam, and which may guide them ad finem supernaturalem.

It is by his mouth that in the darkest hours of national trial Roman seems to say to Roman, "O passi graviora, dabit Deus his quoque finem." It is to this "end" that the wanderings of Æneas, like the labours of consul and dictator, inevitably tend, and it is the firm faith in such a close that gives its peculiar character to the pathos of the Æneid.

At any rate no bar sinister appeared on the imperial escutcheon repeated, with quarterings of Arundel, Mohun, Grenville, Nevile, Archdeckne, Courtney, and, again, Arundel, on the wainscots and in the windows of Constantine, usually with the legend Dabit Devs His Qvoqve Finem, but twice or thrice with a hopefuller one, Generis revocemvs honores.

SPATIO SUPREMO: 'at the end of the race-course', 'at the goal', or it may be 'at the last turn round the course', the race requiring the course to be run round several times; cf. Homer's πυματον δρομον in Iliad 23, 768. So 83 decurso spatio; Verg. Aen. 5, 327 iamque fere spatio extreme fessique sub ipsam finem adventabant.

Isti tamen quod in aliquibus appropinquant verae fidei, multi quandoque eorum inuenti sunt conuersi, et plures adhuc de facili conuerterentur, si haberunt praedicatores, sincere eis verbum tractantes, quippe cum iam fateantur legum Mahometi quandoque defecturam, sicut nunc perijt lex Iudaeorum, et legem Christianorum vsque in finem seculi permansuram. De vita, et nomine Mahometi.

If the old rule Respice finem were to be made absolute, and no one could be pronounced fortunate till the day of his death, there are few among us whose existence would, upon those conditions, be much to be envied. But this is not a fair view of the case.

For the other acts and sciences, he says, Alexander highly indeed commended their excellence and charm, and had them in very great honour and esteem, but not ravished with them to that degree as to be tempted to affect the practice of them In his own person: "Petite hinc, juvenesque senesque, Finem ammo certum, miserisque viatica canis."

Sed velim finem afferat consulatus: in quo enitar non minus, quam sum enisus in nostro." Ad Quintum Fratrem, iii. 9. Ad Familiares, ii. 6. "Incidebantur jam domi leges quae nos nostris servis addicerent.... Oppressisset omnia, possideret, teneret lege nova, quae est inventa apud eum cum reliquis legibus Clodianis. Servos nostros libertos suos fecisset." Pro Milone, 32, 33.

Affectus est confusa idea, quâ Mens majorem, vel minorem sui corporis, vel alicujus ejus partis, existendi vim affirmat.” Spinoza, Ethices, Lib. III. ad finem.

Throw away none of your time upon those trivial, futile books, published by idle or necessitous authors, for the amusement of idle and ignorant readers; such sort of books swarm and buzz about one every day; flap them away, they have no sting. 'Certum pete finem', have some one object for those leisure moments, and pursue that object invariably till you have attained it; and then take some other.