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Bennett means to say; and his book makes his meaning clear. Two sisters, Constance and Sophia, are the girls, women, widows whom we see growing up from the 'fifties to the latter part of the first decade of the twentieth century.

"Certainly, madam," said Michael. "But it is necessary to take the numbers of them." "Oh! And how do you do that?" "Why, every note has its own number." "La! ye don't say so; then them fifties are all numbered, belike." "Certainly, and if you wish me to take down the numbers, I will do so." "Well, sir, some other day you shall.

Each one of the three last has three magistrates under him, making in all thirteen, and they consider the affairs of the arts pertaining to each one of them; Power, of war; Wisdom, of the sciences; Love, of food, clothing, education and breeding. The masters of all the bands, who are captains of tens, of fifties, of hundreds, also assemble, the women first and then the men.

But he needed money, and in the 'forties and 'fifties there were, strangely enough, numbers of people who would pay money for such stuff.

The first occasion on which Home is said to have displayed this power was in the late fifties, when he was at a chateau near Bordeaux as the guest of the widow of Theodore Ducos, the nephew of Bonaparte's colleague in the Consulate. In the works put forward on Home's behalf one of them, called "Incidents in my Life," was chiefly written, it appears, by his friend and solicitor, a Mr.

Notwithstanding all this, we had a nervous afternoon's and night's work of it. These old fifties are great travellers off the wind; and more than once I fancied the Leander was going to lay across my bows, as she did athwart those of the Frenchman, at the Nile.

They had a little brass on the top of the toes to keep you from kicking them out and skinning them up. That was way back yonder in the fifties. Bible and Church in Slave Time "White people taught their niggers what Bible they wanted them to know. "'Who made you? "'God. "'Why did He make you? "'For his own glory. "'Why ought you to love God? "'Because He made me and takes care of me.

I leaped to my feet and ran away; and that is the only thought of suicide that I can recall. Mrs. Clay, of Alabama, in her "Belle of the Fifties" has given a graphic picture of life in the national capital during the administrations of Pierce and Buchanan. The South was very much in the saddle.

And when I've laid you to rest under the rock-pile, Lahoma ain't going to find the variety in me that she now has in the two of us. Besides which, I'm in the fifties myself, and them is halves of hundreds." "Yes," Bill growled, "and give Lahoma time, she'll die, too. Nothing but the mountain'll be left to look out on the plains.

In a nation of undiscriminating voters the noise of the agitator is apt to drown the voice of the statesman. We have been teaching everybody to read, nobody to think; and as a consequence the rule of numbers the law of the land, partyism in the saddle legislation, state and Federal, becomes largely a matter of riding to hounds and horns. All this, which was true in the fifties, is true to-day.