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But the most important discovery of all is the Orohippus, which comes from the Eocene formation, and which is the oldest member of the equine series, as yet known. Here we find four complete toes on the front-limb, three toes on the hind-limb, a well-developed ulna, a well-developed fibula, and short-crowned grinders of simple pattern.

Far from offering any solution of what had now become an unfathomable mystery, it only made it deeper still. The medical testimony, though given by the most distinguished consulting expert of the city, was entirely inconclusive. The body, the expert testified, showed evident marks of violence. There was a distinct lesion of the oesophagus and a decided excoriation of the fibula.

I was studying where it articulates into the fibula. It's ever so nice. Just see the cunning little grooves." "Booh!" Theodora laughed, even in her disgust. "I am not weak-minded, Babe, but those things do not appeal to me." "Every one to his taste," Phebe said loftily. "I like bones better than Browning, myself. Isabel St. John thinks she will be a nurse."

On the outer side note the tendons of the biceps of the leg, running down to the head of the fibula. On the inside we feel three tendons of important muscles on the back of the thigh which flex the leg upon the thigh. Experiment 29. To show the ligamentous action of the muscles.

"Well then," said the Corinthian, and sighing again he read aloud; 'Sweet is the lot of the couple whom love has united; But gold is a debt, and needs must at once be restored. "There, that is the dose. But doves are not human creatures, and I know at once what my answer shall be. Give me the fibula, Publius, that clasps that cloak in which you look like one of your own messengers.

Garrigou has an arrow-head made of a human bone, Pellegrino a fibula converted into a polisher found in the lower beds of the celebrated Castione TERREMARE near Parma.

After passing through the characteristic traces of different peoples, he comes upon a Roman pavement, and below this the weapons and ornaments of a tribe of ancient Britons. One cannot strike a spade into the earth, in Great Britain, without a fair chance of some surprise in the form of a Saxon coin, or a Celtic implement, or a Roman fibula.

The nerve is sensitive to pressure, the most tender points being its emergence from the greater sciatic foramen, the hollow between the trochanter and the ischial tuberosity, and where the common peroneal nerve winds round the neck of the fibula. The muscles of the thigh are often wasted and are liable to twitch.

Examination of the lower end of a young foal's shin bone, however, shows a distinct portion of osseous matter, which is the lower end of the fibula; so that the apparently single, lower end of the shin bone is really made up of the coalesced ends of the tibia and fibula, just as the apparently single, lower end of the fore-arm bone is composed of the coalesced radius and ulna.

Cellars under ground were unknown to the Romans. See Beck. Gal., and Smith's Dict. Ant. Ignorantur fallunt. XVII. Sagum. A short, thick cloak, worn by Roman soldiers and countrymen. Fibula==figibula, any artificial fastening; spina==natural. Si desit. Observe the difference between this clause, and si quando advenit in the preceding chapter.