United States or El Salvador ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

'Good-bye, the whistle blew and the ferry-steamer forged ahead, leaving Davies on the quay, bareheaded and wearing his old Norfolk jacket and stained grey flannels, as at our first meeting in Flensburg station. There was no bandaged hand this time, but he looked pinched and depressed; his eyes had black circles round them; and again I felt that same indefinable pathos in him.

At the coach office all the comfort I could get was that the lost luggage might have gone on to Glasgow; or, what was more probable, might have gone astray at Burntisland. It might not have been put on board, or it might not have been taken off the ferry-steamer. This could not be known for twenty- four hours, as there was no boat to or from Burntisland till the morrow. I decided to try Glasgow.

The afternoon is before us; suppose we row over; here is a boat, and doubtless a boatman, or the ferry-steamer will be here directly. By no means; a ferry-steamer is thoroughly commonplace; you can ferry-steam anywhere. Row, brothers, row, perhaps you will never have the chance again. Lightly, lightly row through the green waters of the great St.

I pulled furiously up the harbour past a sleeping ferry-steamer and praise Heaven! came on her warped alongside the jetty. 'Who's that? came from below, as I stepped on board. 'Hush! it's me. And Davies and I were pawing one another in the dark of the cabin. 'Are you all right, old chap? said he. 'Yes; are you? A match! What's the time? Quick! 'Ten past three. It's the invasion of England!

Not but that I was afloat in a safe craft, for the Martinez was a new ferry-steamer, making her fourth or fifth trip on the run between Sausalito and San Francisco. The danger lay in the heavy fog which blanketed the bay, and of which, as a landsman, I had little apprehension.