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Manella was a splendid type of primitive womanhood, healthy, warm-blooded and full of hymeneal passion, as a wife she would have been devoted, as a mother superb in her tenderness; but, measured by modern standards of advanced and restless femininity she was a mere drudge, without the ability to think for herself or to analyse subtleties of emotion.

His own handsome face was rosy with the reflection of the fire, his soul rose-coloured with complete satisfaction. He was so glad to be quit of that crowded assemblage of eager femininity, so glad that it was almost worth while to have encountered it just for that sense of blessed relief. Mrs. Edes had offered to take him home in her carriage, and he had declined almost brusquely.

To have these intuitions that was his touch of femininity; to risk largely upon them was the gambler in him; his swift appropriation of the subject's temperament betrayed the artist in his own; while the hard common sense which drew the rein on all these was a legitimate inheritance both national and personal. So was his manner not often extremely courteous and quite often extremely rude.

You're banking on your femininity to save you from your just fate." "You judge me by yourself, Fifi. You are a power among men, most women are, but I do not bank on that " "Not alone! You bank on the fact that either Hendricks or Elliott would go through hell for you, and count it an easy journey.

And she said to me and said to him that he had mice in his wainscoting. Mice or rats, I forget which. Any wise bookmaker would of posted her up in this race as a hundred-to-one shot. She had plenty of blandishment for Oswald, but not his kind. She'd try to lure him with furtive femininity and plaintive melodies when she ought to have been putting on a feverish interest in organic fauna.

In the windows of the downtown shops, with no pretence whatever of the curtains customary in the East, men clerks disrobe and re-robe life-sized female models of an appalling nude flesh-likeness. They dress these helpless ladies in all the fripperies of femininity from the wax out, oblivious to the flippant comments of gathering crowds. It's all a part of that civic candor somehow.

He even secured the spun-gold glint of hair tightly coifed under a bathing cap a species of head-dress which had puzzled him at the first glance and there was more than a suggestion of a veritable portrait of the regular, lively and delicately beautiful features which belonged to a type differing in every essential from the cold, classic loveliness of the statue, yet vastly more appealing in its sheer femininity.

She was appalled by the situation; but already all her aroused femininity, understanding that whether Heyst loved her or not she loved him, and feeling that she had brought this on his head, faced the danger with a passionate desire to defend her own. To Ricardo the girl had been so unforeseen that he was unable to bring upon her the light of his critical faculties.

It stood a few inches open, revealing nothing. But as he glanced towards it, it seemed to him that he detected in the lifeless air a nuance of fragrance, something elusive as a shade that emanated from the farther room, and had in its very slightness and delicacy a suggestion of femininity.

A wild, unknown bit of femininity dashing into his life for ten throbbing minutes, then vanishing into the sunset, was one thing, and this very tangible young person in clothes of the wrong cut and color, addressing him in terms of easy familiarity, was quite another. "I beg your pardon," he said stiffly. "Did you address me?" Her eyes clouded. "Why, I thought I thought you were some one I knew.