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"Let me speak," broke in the doctor. "If we only needed time six months, say, or a year we should postpone our concluding act until then; but I, Hortebise, assure you that in two months, thanks to another discovery of my own will show you a scar that will pass muster, not perhaps before a fellow-practitioner, but certainly before the Duke."

I scarcely liked her coming in to fill up my deficiencies, and I knew our application to her for help would be inexpressibly gratifying. But I had no other resource than to call her in as a fellow-practitioner, and I knew she would make a first-rate nurse, for which Suzanne Tardif was unfitted by her deafness.

I asked, like a quick-firing gun. "The sooner the better, while old Theobald's away on his honeymoon." Our medico had married the week before, nor was any fellow-practitioner taking his work at least not that considerable branch of it which consisted of Raffles during his brief absence from town. There were reasons, delightfully obvious to us, why such a plan would have been highly unwise in Dr.

If the mother, may call in a second physician, to suggest the cause and the cure, may she not call on God? What the doctor can do for a fellow-practitioner, cannot the Great Physician do? Though the doctor had often tried and thought, yet it was not till the last prayer and call on God, brought the remedy to his mind."

Dr Richardson gave him at once, the suspicious glance of a stupid man. 'I don't know why you come to me instead of to her husband. He will be able to tell you all that you wish to know. 'I came to you as a fellow-practitioner, answered Arthur. 'I am at St Luke's Hospital. He pointed to his card, which Dr Richardson still held.

For some time he chattered away: he had been sent for, but he would always be exceedingly pleased to enter into consultation with his renowned fellow-practitioner. "Oh! no doubt, no doubt," stammered Doctor Deberle, whose ears were buzzing.

Carless, the preliminary greetings being over, plunged at once into the subject. "I say, Pawle," he exclaimed, turning at once to his fellow-practitioner, "this appears to be a most extraordinary business! His lordship has just been telling me all about the two calls he had yesterday first from two men whom he'd never seen before then from you two, who were also strangers.

Then I heard Wilton's best English voice at the end of the study: "My dear sir, I have explained twenty times already, I wanted to get that scarab in time for dinner. Suppose you had left an important legal document in the same way?" "That touch of cunning is very significant," my fellow-practitioner since he insisted on it muttered.

"There is a daughter, and her name is Avice a name borne by a good many women of the Cave-Gray family," answered Mr. Pawle with a significant glance at his fellow-practitioner. "But let me go on: Wickham left his daughter, her mother being dead, in Ashton's guardianship. She was then about six years of age. Ashton sent her to school here in England.