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'Most any old thing will do for a fello' like that Prince boy to play poker with." "Then I'd be grateful for your definition of poker," said I. Again the Virginian looked me over amiably. "You put up a mighty pretty game o' whist yourself," he remarked. "Don't that give you the contented spirit?" And before I had any reply to this, the Christian Endeavor began to come over the bridge.

Damn 'em and I'll see 'em dyin' in the sun lilies like dried, dead weeds on the sand that's what they'll be in a couple o' days he said they was pretty, that fello' back there " Lying with his head on his arm, he lifted a thumb to point over his shoulder. He couldn't see the distant blotch of fire against the low stars he didn't want to.

"Good!" says he; and he projuiced from his potfolio the fello of that bewchus fifty-pun note, which he'd given me yesterday. "I keep my promise, you see, Charles," says he. "You are now in Lady Griffin's service, in the place of Mr. Fitzclarence, who retires. Go to Froje's, and get a livery."

"We'll meet," says he, "at your chambers. But mind, my dear fello, not too much wine: I can't stand it at any time, especially when I have to play ecarte with YOU." Pore Dawkins left our rooms as happy as a prins. "Here, Charles," says he, and flung me a sovring. Pore fellow! pore fellow! I knew what was a-comin!

Don't care if it's only a barrel on a lot, the fello' will keep frequentin' that lot, and if yu' want him yu' can find him. But out hyeh in the sage-brush, a man's home is apt to be his saddle blanket. First thing yu' know, he has moved it to Texas." "You have done some moving yourself," I suggested. But this word closed his mouth.

I've been parleyin' wid a fello' named 'Firebrand' Trevison, an' I'm that soaked wid perspiration that me boots is full av it, after me thryin' to urge him to be dacently careful wid his gun!" "What happened?" asked Corrigan, darkly. "This mon Trevison came down through the cut this mornin', goin' to town. He was pleasant as a mon who's had a raise in wages, an' he was joshin' wid us.

As he passed them he peered closely at their faces and so strange was his manner that both involuntarily turned their heads to look after him. As is usually the case, he also turned to look at them. "I saw that fello\v in the hotel," said Savage. Five minutes later they met Turk and, before they could utter a word of protest, he was leading them into the Rue du Prince Royal.

D. didn't say so; but I knew his feelinx well enough he regretted that he had not given the old genlmn the money he askt for. Poar fello! he thought he had hit it; but he was wide of the mark after all. Well, but what was to be done? It was clear that he must marry the gal at any rate cootky coot, as the French say: that is, marry her, and hang the igspence.

They was goin' to shoot him Corrigan put 'em up to it. That Carson fello' heard it an' put 'Firebrand' wise. An' the shootin' didn't come off. But that's only the beginnin'!" "Did Trevison tell you to tell me this?" The girl was stunned, amazed, incredulous.

Well, seh, yu' would not have pleasured in his company. And this year Hank is placer-mining on Galena Creek, where we'll likely go for sheep. There's Honey Wiggin and a young fello' named Lin McLean, and some others along with the outfit. But Hank's woman will not look at any of them, though the McLean boy is a likely hand.