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'He have th' Civic Featheration again him. 'Who cares f'r th' Civic Featheration? says Mulcahey. 'They don't vote, he says. 'What 'll kill Dorsey, he says, 'is his bein' an Apee-a. 'He's no Apee-a, says Mike O'Neill. 'I wint to th' Brothers' school with him, he says. 'Whiniver a man comes up that can't be downed anny way, he's called an Apee-a, he says.

Anny information I possess I'll keep tucked away in this large an' commodjous mind cage, an' not be dealin' it out to th' likes iv ye, as though I was a comity iv th' Civic Featheration, he says. 'Moreover, he says, 'I'd like to know, you, Casey, what business have you got comin' roun' to my house and pryin' into my domestic affairs, he says.

The meeting was to be held under the auspices of the Irish National Federation Featheration, as the Parnellites call it and most of its members pronounce it and therefore it was likely to be a big thing, especially considering the Parliamentary tension existing at the present moment.

It is pleasant to see th' citizen afther th' rigors iv a night at home hurryin' to th' mills to toast his numbed limbs in th' warm glow iv th' Bessemer furnace. About this time th' main guy takes a look at the thermometer an' chases th' specyal partner out iv th' office with th' annual report iv th' Civic Featheration.

I'd hate to be th' man that 'd be called to roll with him to his doom. He cud lick th' whole Civic Featheration." "I believe ye," said Mr. Dooley. "He's a powerful man. But I hear there is, as ye say, what th' pa-apers 'd call a movement on fut f'r to dec'rate Chris'mas threes with aldhermen, an' 'tis wan that ought to be encouraged.

Ye'er hat's dinted, an' ye have ye'er necktie over ye'er ear; an' I see be ye'er hand ye've hit a Dutchman. Jawn, ye know no more about politics thin a mimber iv this here Civic Featheration. Didn't ye have a beer bottle or an ice-pick?