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I fearna for his life I ken how strong-hearted he is I ken it," she said, laying her hand on her bosom, "by my ain heart at this minute." "Weel, hinny, if ye think it's for the best, better he stay here and rest him, than gang back to St. Leonard's." "Muckle better muckle better God bless you! God bless you! At no rate let him gang till ye hear frae me," said Jeanie.

Mrs Courthope reflected for a moment, and then repeated the following lines: "The lord quha wad sup on 3 thowmes o' cauld airn, The ayr quha wad kythe a bastard and carena, The mayd quha wad tyne her man and her bairn, Lift the neck, and enter, and fearna." "That's it, my lord," she said, in conclusion.

For 'deed he fearna God nor man, ony mair nor the jeedge i' the Scriptur'. He drank a heap as for a' body at he ca'd upo' aye hed oot the whisky-bottle well willun' to please the man they war feart at."

Div I no ken 'at his father gied him in chairge to you? and haena I therefore to luik efter him? Didna ye tell me a' aboot yer gran' freen' and hoo, and hoo lang ye had loed him? and didna that mak Francie my business as weel's yer ain? I'm verra sure his father wud never appruv o' ony gaeins on atween him and a lassie sic like's mysel; and fearna ye, father, but I s' hand him weel ootby.

But he added presently after, on seeing one or two lights which twinkled before us, "It's deceits o' Satan, after a', and I fearna to say it for we are near the manse now, and yonder are the lights in the Clachan of Aberfoil." I own I was well pleased at the circumstance to which Mr.

I fearna for his life I ken how strong-hearted he is I ken it," she said, laying her hand on her bosom, "by my ain heart at this minute." "Weel, hinny, if ye think it's for the best, better he stay here and rest him, than gang back to St. Leonard's." "Muckle better muckle better God bless you! God bless you! At no rate let him gang till ye hear frae me," said Jeanie.

But he added presently after, on seeing one or two lights which twinkled before us, "It's deceits o' Satan, after a', and I fearna to say it for we are near the manse now, and yonder are the lights in the Clachan of Aberfoil." I own I was well pleased at the circumstance to which Mr.