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The second day at 3 in the morning we doubled Fowlnesse, and the wind was this day variable at all parts of the Compasse. It is within ful of small Islands, and without full of rocks very farre out, and within the rockes you haue fayre sand at 20 fadoms.

Euphues, wishing to convince his listeners of the inferiority of outward to inward perfection, pursues the following argument: The foule Toade hath a fayre stone in his head, the fine golde is found in the filthy earth; the sweet kernell lyeth in the hard shell; vertue is harboured in the heart of him that most men esteeme misshappen.

And as the Estrich wil eat iron, swallow anie hard mettall whatsoeuer, so would he refuse no iron aduenture, no hard taske whatsoeuer, to sit in the grace of so fayre a commander.

"That part of it is all right, then," smiled Mrs. Fayre; "it is, to my mind, only the loss of more than a week of the school work that presents the insuperable objection." "Oh, don't say insuperable," urged Mr. Forbes. "Can't you bring yourself to permit that loss? As Dolly says, the girls can make up their lessons." "They can but will they?"

"There's an awful big picture," Trudy was saying; "it's all burlapped up, so you can't tell what it is. It's easy to judge people from their pictures." Trudy had graduated the year before from a large and fine girls' school and she knew all about pictures. "I think you can tell more by chairs," Mrs. Fayre said; "their easy chairs are very good ones. I think they're very nice people."

"No, she couldn't!" stormed Dotty. "Dolly Fayre doesn't go around pocketing people's jewels unconsciously! She isn't a kleptomaniac, or whatever you call it! She did exactly as she says she did. She laid that earring on that table." "Then why isn't it there now?" asked Fenn. "Because somebody else moved it. Oh, don't ask me who. I don't KNOW who! And I don't CARE who!

"That you, McPherson?" she said, speaking as casually as she could. "Yes, Miss Fayre. Will you speak with Mrs. Berry?" "No; I'll give you a message. Please say to Miss Rose that I have gone to Berwick." "To Berwick, miss?" "Yes; and tell Mrs. Berry the same. That's all, McPherson; no message for any one else." "Yes, Miss Fayre. When will you be back, Miss Fayre?" "Not at all.

The one company affirmed, that they had seene in a valley eleuen Sauages, and diuers houses halfe a mile distant from the steepe, or toppe of the hill where they stayed. The other company had found running out of a high rocke a very fayre spring of water, whereof they brought three bottels to the company: for before that time, wee drank the stinking water of the pond.

"Oh, you Dotty Rose!" cried Jack Norris, as he caught Dotty's dancing black eyes, "I might have known you were at the head of this!" "No more than Dolly Fayre," cried Dotty, "and all the rest of us. Are you hungry, boys?" "Are we hungry? We should smile! We've been hungry all the while!" came in chorus from the famished tramps.

"What did you want to ask advice about?" "The family solicitors. Captain Palliser and Lady Joan Fayre and Mr. and Miss Hutchinson are to be here shortly, and I have been told I am to be questioned. What I want to know, your Grace, is " He paused, and looked no longer pale but painfully red as he gathered himself together for his anxious outburst "Must I speak the truth?"