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Wheat had created Chicago and Winnipeg Adam-like from the ground; but it was rejuvenating Rosario de Santa Faust-like, with its golden elixir. It interested the man who called himself Herbert Strange resident manager of Stephens and Jarrott's great wheat business in this outlet of the great wheat provinces to watch the impulse by which Decrepitude rose and shook itself into Youth.

'Why, Desmond! said his father, as the boy emerged into the light, 'your train's punctual for once. Thank you, Miss Bremerton that'll do. Kindly write to those people and say that I am considering the matter. I needn't keep you any longer.... That night a demon came to Elizabeth and offered her a Faust-like bargain. Ambition noble ambition on the one side an 'elderly lunatic' on the other.

And as for the Borgias, they would have poisoned her on the spot had they seen her! She wore a short-waisted jacket with a short skirt attached and a voluminous lace ruffle, a curly wig too long for a man and too short for a woman, upon which sat jauntily a Faust-like hat with a long, sweeping plume. This was her idea of a medieval Maffeo Orsini.

At times this automatic power, which has been thus created Faust-like, by reason of the impossibility of pre-adapting its mechanism to the exigences of every case, works to unforseen and undesired ends sometimes even to absurd ones.

It was published November, 1843, and probably composed at Nohant, as a letter of the composer indicates. The dedication is to Princesse C. de Souzzo these interminable countesses and princesses of Chopin! For Niecks, who could not at first discern its worth, it suggests a Titan in commotion. It is Titanic; the torso of some Faust-like dream, it is Chopin's Faust.

He did it all quietly, without any fuss or attempt to reflect credit on himself, and left it to others to strangers, poetically inclined pupils or students on their travels to say that his conquest of the Friesenmoor was a Faust-like achievement. He had built a whole village for his laborers, to right and left of the highroad leading to Friesenmoor House.

He would save the world from itself, rescue it from the morass of materialism, but he relapses into a pathological mysticism which ends in a sanitarium for nervous troubles. The marquis is a Mephisto; he is not without a trace of idealism; altogether a baffling nature, Faust-like, and as chock-full of humour as an egg is full of meat. He goes to smash. His plans are checkmated.

I know you better than you know yourself. There is something Faust-like in you; you would fain grasp the highest and the deepest; and `reel from desire to enjoyment, and in enjoyment languish for desire. When a momentary change of feeling comes over you, you think the change permanent, and thus live in constant self-deception."

It is difficult to imagine the genius that could have sufficed, and it certainly needed genius, or something very like it, to keep the Faust-like mind of Shelley in any peace. There is a letter from Fanny Godwin to Shelley, after his first visit, speaking of his wife as a fine lady. From this accusation Shelley strongly defended her, but now he felt that this disaster might really be impending.