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I had been sent upstairs from the tea-table to wash my hands though they were only comfortably soiled and after I had dipped them in a basin of water that had done service for both Angel and The Seraph, I gave them a good rub on my trouser legs, as I tip-toed to the foot of the attic stairs. Cautiously, with fast-beating heart, I mounted, and tried the door. It was locked fast.

Finding it difficult, he drew his sword and cut them. The shining armor fell jingling to the ground. The soft white folds of her woman's gown fell loosely about her. Siegfried started back and stared in silence. He trembled from head to foot. He pressed his hand to his fast-beating heart. "At last!" he cried. "At last! I know what fear is." At length Siegfried went softly to Brunhilde's side.

This she left open, thinking with a fast-beating heart that if there were any cry she would run back, no matter what they might do to her. But there was no cry, no sound of any kind, only the cooing of doves which had flown down into the fountain court, hoping Ourïeda might throw them corn.

My husband and I both think that we cannot have proper influence on the parishioners unless we do ourselves what we urge them to do." Iris and Apollo both listened to these strange words with fast-beating hearts. What did they mean? Mrs. Dolman spoke of when they were to live at the Rectory. What rectory? She spoke of a time when they were to live with her. Oh, no; she must be mistaken.

O, dear!" and he sank back with a groan. Dorothy turned, and with a fast-beating heart hastened to deliver the captive knight, while her lover endeavoured to staunch the flow of blood by binding the wound tightly up in strips of cloth.

With a fast-beating heart, she hastened to pick them all up; and, placing them carefully in her apron, she hurried to the house, oft repeating to herself, "I didn't steal them, for the wind blew them off." As she entered the house, she began to tell how she came by the apples, but stopped in dismay, for she saw her mother's look of disapproval. Very tenderly Mrs.

And she recognized also the voice of Mazurier, who, till the last moment of separation, seemed endeavoring to dissuade his friend from leaving him that night. He heard footsteps following him, as he passed along the pavement, observed that they gained on him. And could it be any other than Jacqueline who touched his arm, and whispered, "Victor"? His fast-beating heart told him it was she.

He pointed with his whip to the two African girls at the end of the semicircle, and they came forward, while the rest sat down. A horrid uneasy feeling of discomfort grew up in Hamilton, similar to that which a lover of animals feels, when called upon to witness performing dogs, and all the fear and anxiety pent up in their fast-beating little hearts is communicated to himself.

With fast-beating heart Eben looked, expecting to see Hampton stretched upon the floor. Great was his horror to behold the girl lying there instead, her deathly-white face stained with blood. With a startled cry as of a wild beast in agony, he turned and fled along the road, down the track, and back to the refuge of the "Eb and Flo."

Presently she stood outside the closed door of the guest who was sleeping under the roof for the last time. With a fast-beating heart she noiselessly laid her hand upon the panel of that door. "You did steady me," she whispered. "I couldn't have done it if you hadn't warned me fortified me. Oh, what shall I do without you?" Inside suddenly a footstep sounded, the footstep of a shod foot.