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Farther up the Gap, horsemen, stirred by the firing, were riding rapidly down toward Sassoon's ranch-house. But the black thing in the sunshine lay quite still. Lefever, chafing in the aspen grove under the restraint of waiting in the storm, was ready long before daylight to break orders and ride in to find de Spain.

Chilian wondered if he could ever have gone against his father's wishes, but in that case father and son had similar tastes. "Oh, yes; I've nothing farther to look for, and I'm willing to leave my share to the other children. I know I can make my way, and I'm ready to work and wait." His voice had such a nice wholesome ring that it inspired you with faith in him.

They went still farther in silence passing along one of the beautiful walks on the outskirts of the town, yet not observant of scene or situation. Her shoulder and his were close together, and he clasped his fingers round the small of her arm quite lightly, and without any attempt at impetus; yet the act seemed to say, 'Now I hold you, and my will must be yours.

"Leaving the forest, they went over hills and down valleys, and up other hills; and I had great difficulty in concealing myself indeed, had they not hurried on without looking back, they must have discovered me. They now entered another forest; they were getting farther and farther from me, and I was becoming more and more weary.

Observing that M. de Rosny smiled but answered nothing, I explained myself farther. 'I am surprised, I said, 'because I have always heard it maintained that clerkly men, becoming lost in the mazes of theology, seldom find any sure footing; that not one in a hundred returns to his old faith, or finds grace to accept a new one.

From this tremendous height it looked more like a broken obelisk than an independent summit twelve thousand eight hundred feet in height. Clouds covered the farther side of the great snow basin, and were seething like waves about the savage pinnacles, the towers of the Jinn palace, which guard its lower margin, and past which my upward path had lain.

The other, however, added nothing more; and the King, after this long pause, said, "I must not conceal from you, sir, that we have heard something of this matter, and may probably soon have farther tidings." "It is high time, sir," replied the other, "that you should have farther tidings, for the first attempt will certainly be to-morrow night."

Meantime, baldheaded, weather-beaten Joost de Moor farther pursuit being impossible piped all hands on deck, where officers and men fell on their knees, shouting in pious triumph the 34th Psalm: "I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth . . . . O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together."

There oughtn't to be any hole there at all. That was a curious way to fix tiles, such precious tiles as ours. I slipped my hand in and tentatively tested the black wall, and discovered that the other tiles, as might be expected, had been properly put in; that is, against a solid background. I put my hand farther into the aperture.

He went home immediately, that he might reflect upon what was best to be done. His servant presently gave him a letter which a messenger had just brought from the country. The packet was from Selina. "Enclosed, I return the letter which I received from you this morning. I read the first three lines of it before I perceived that it could not be intended for me I went no farther.