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PHYSIOLOGY OF PARTURITION. Parturition or birth, when occurring in the mare, is designated as foaling; in the cow, calving; in the sheep, lambing; and in the sow, farrowing. A normal or natural birth occurs when no complications are present and the mother needs no assistance. When the act is complicated and prolonged, it is termed abnormal birth.

But Mary Ann, moving from mate to mate and farrowing from each, then savaging both them and the litter, has a musty sowishness that the Bretonne misses. Both foul, yes. But we needn't, we islanders, do any Jingo business in setting Mary Ann against Helene.

In this way Clare persistently wooed her in undertones like that of the purling milk at the cow's side, at skimmings, at butter-makings, at cheese-makings, among broody poultry, and among farrowing pigs as no milkmaid was ever wooed before by such a man. Tess knew that she must break down.

Rose was troubled with nausea, but Martin pooh-poohed, as childish, the notion of dropping some of her responsibilities. Didn't his mares work almost to the day of foaling? It was good for them, keeping them in shape. And the cows didn't they go about placidly until within a few hours of bringing their calves? Even the sows did they droop as they neared farrowing?

Some villain stabbed a very fine sow which was near farrowing, on the 18th, but though the strictest enquiry was made, I could not discover who was the perpetrator of this atrocious act.