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Farnaby would be especially eager to seize the first opportunity of speaking to her young Socialist friend on the subject of his lecture.

Farnaby looked at it with a moment's steady attention. "Providence has its favourites," she said; "I am not one of them." After thinking a little, she went into her bedroom, and took two papers out of her dressing-case. They were medical prescriptions. She turned next to the chimneypiece. Two medicine-bottles were placed on it.

The servant threw open the drawing-room door, and the most honoured guest present led Mrs. Farnaby to the dining-room. I roused myself to some observation of what was going on about me. No ladies had been invited; and the men were all of a certain age. I looked in vain for the charming niece. Was she not well enough to appear at the dinner-party? I ventured on putting the question to Mr. Farnaby.

"And, hear this, Amelius! After all the years that have passed, you may be the man who brings it to me." In the momentary silence that followed, they heard a double knock at the house-door. "Regina!" said Mrs. Farnaby. As the name passed her lips, she sprang to the door of the room, and turned the key in the lock. Amelius rose impulsively from his chair. Mrs.

And what do you think I heard her say?" "You mean Mrs. Farnaby?" "Yes. I heard her say, 'Look at my right foot you see there's nothing the matter with it. And then, after a while, she said, 'Look at my left foot look between the third toe and the fourth. Did you ever hear of such a audacious thing for a married woman to say to a young man?" "Go on! go on! What did he say?"

"What I have to tell you," he said, "must not be accidentally heard by anybody. Here, my dear, we are all but out of the world and here I can speak to you safely. I promise you two good things. You shall bring Mrs. Farnaby to that day of reckoning; and we will find money enough to marry on comfortably as soon as you like."

One of his own friends said to me, 'Nobody knows whether Farnaby is rich or poor; he is going to do one of two things he is going to die worth millions, or to die bankrupt. Oh, if I can only live to see the day when Socialism will put that sort of man in his right place!" "Try a republic, on our model, first," said Rufus.

This evidence placed it beyond the possibility of doubt that the deceased had herself taken the poison. The question whether she had taken it by accident was the only question left to decide, when Amelius was called as the next witness. The lawyer retained by Mr. Melton, to watch the case on behalf of Mr. Farnaby, had hitherto not interfered.

Old Ronald angrily repeated his question: "Where is Farnaby?" "I don't know," was the answer. "You don't know? Have you been up to his bedroom?" "Yes." "Well?" "Well, he isn't in his bedroom. And, what's more, his bed hasn't been slept in last night. Farnaby's off, sir nobody knows where." Old Ronald dropped heavily into the nearest chair.

Inquiries such as these she was, sooner or later, sure to make when they were alone. But if Regina happened to enter the room, or if Amelius contrived to find his way to her in some other part of the house, Mrs. Farnaby deliberately shortened the interview and silenced the lovers still as resolute as ever to keep Amelius exposed to the adventurous freedom of a bachelor's life.