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When on board the east-bound train next day I got talking with some dozen men who were going east with me, and, naturally enough, we asked each other what fares we had paid, I found they varied greatly, but the average was about $60. One little Jew, a tobacconist, was very proud that his only cost $48. He almost wept when I told him that I beat him by eight whole dollars.

Perhaps this species is more abundant on this and neighboring grounds than is generally realized. At all events, certain Portland vessels have recently taken good fares of halibut when fishing for them here in the season named. Cusk are present in the deep water the year around.

Carroll would have paid that bill first of all, had he had the money, but none but himself knew how little money he had. Had the aunt in Kentucky not sent the wherewithal for the railway fares, it was hard to be seen how the journey could have been taken at all. It had even occurred to Carroll that some jewelry must needs be sacrificed.

"Do you know, that is one of my greatest pleasures. With a last year's Continental Bradshaw and a few tattered Baedekers I journey far afield. I know the times, the fares, and the stopping places of all the main routes from Calais and Boulogne. I could pass a creditable examination in most of the boat and train services by way of Ostend, Flushing, and the Hook of Holland.

And I seem to see that each of you has his place beside him Radbard as his strong helper, and Raven as his watchful comrade, and Withelm as his counsellor. For 'Bare is back without brother behind it, son Radbard and 'Ere one goes out, give heed to the doorways, son Raven; and 'Wisdom is wanted by him who fares widely' son Withelm. So say the old proverbs, and they are true.

Bli-me, I would ha' thort 'e was a suicide if I 'adn't seed a bloke shove 'im orf the kerb." "Oh, you saw that, did you?" "Couldn't 'elp it, sir. I was lookin' aht for fares. Jack, my mate, sawr it too." The conductor thus appealed to confirmed the statement. They both described the assailant as very like his would-be victim in size, appearance, and garments.

The young gentlewoman that was brought hither with me I know not if she loves me: but this I do know I would give my hand to learn her whereabouts, and how she fares." "Better eat thy loaf," put in the girl very suddenly, setting down the plate and pitcher. 'Twas odd, but I seem'd to hear a sob in her voice. However, her back was toward me as I glanc'd up.

And as when from Olympus a cloud fares into heaven, from the sacred air, when Zeus spreadeth forth the tempest, even so from the ships came the war-cry and the rout, nor in order due did they cross the ditch again. But his swift-footed horses bare Hector forth with his arms, and he left the host of Troy, whom the delved trench restrained against their will.

"What, has not all this put that foolishness out of your head?" he said. "No, it has not," I answered pretty shortly. But all the same, the old thought that I had remembered her less than I would have it known did flash across me for a moment. "Well, I will send for her, and she will tell you for herself how she fares."

The cars run as smoothly as oil on water I can write perfectly well, or as well us usual to be exact, and there is gas, electric light, fairly soft cushions to sleep on, and nice wide berths. The fares are moderate and the arrangements for food, etc., are good; how can I say more, than that they are as well done as on the line we have just left the Southern Maharatta Railway.