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Wonder what the steel blade's for. 'T isn't a handy shape for a lever, to be handled with fingers, too sharp; but it has work to do, or it wouldn't be there. That section o' railroad iron on top must be to hang the boat by, a traveler, when she's out o' water. "And the fan-wheel on the nose what's that for? If it's a speed or distance indicator, the dial's inside, out o' sight.

In some positions extraction flues will have to be built, and, in others, flues of large area must conduct to the source from which the fresh air is drawn. Under certain circumstances perfect ventilation will not be obtainable without the aid of a powerful blowing fan-wheel driven by a motor of some sort, and running so as to exhaust the vitiated air.

In this lay, like a ship in a graving-dock, a long, narrow, grey-painted vessel almost exactly like a sea-going ship, save for the fact that she had no funnel, and that her three masts, instead of yards, each carried a horizontal fan-wheel, while from each of her sides projected, level with the deck, a plane twice the width of the deck and nearly as long as the vessel herself.

"What will this one do?" he asked, and poked at a wet paper disc. But before the courteous Jode could explain that it had to do with evaporation and the dew-point, the Governor's attention wandered, and he was blowing at a little fan-wheel. This instantly revolved and set a number of dial hands going different ways. "Hi!" said the Governor, delighted. "Seen 'em like that down mines.

He is a man of ideas, not of words. He has an idea. His head quakes. The tongue begins its whirring like the fan-wheel before the clock strikes. "You can say that the life-saving service display a great act," says the marine editor, relieved of a grievous duty. His pile of telegrams grows smaller. The dreaded work will soon be over. "How's your rich widow?"