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"O Robie, my bairn! my only bairn!" cried she, weeping, and addressing our son, "try ye to prevail upon your faither to gie up his mad resolution. If he leave us, he will mak you faitherless and me a widow." "Mother," said the laddie, gallantly, "the French are landed, and my faither maun help to drive them into the sea.

"Now, Cot forgie your honour," said Janet; "for it is no like your ainsell to give such names to a faitherless bairn." "I have got nothing else to give him, Janet; he must wait a little."

An' that's a' my son an' me has to live on." "How do you live in this outlandish spot all the year round, then, mistress?" "Indeed, sir," said the woman, "the cow and the kailyaird, and whiles a pickle oat meal, wi' God's blessing, is a' my mailen. The Lord has provided for the widow and the faitherless, and He'll aye provide." "We'll soon see about that," said the ruffian.

Before ever we reached the house, I heard the shrieks o' my puir mither. 'O my faitherless bairn! she cried, as I entered the door; but before she could rise to meet me, she got a glent o' the coffin which they were takin' out o' the hearse, and utterin' a sudden scream, her head fell back, and she gaed clean awa.

An', in his ain way an' time, He will bless ye; for, when men and women had forsaken me, an' my heart was sinking in despair, ye have provided a hame for the widow and the faitherless. May His blessing rest on ye, an' may He be your friend when ither friends forsake you!"