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A bonne amour je fais veu et promesse Et

Give me your hand, Nigel." She had taken a little bangle of gold filigree work from her arm and fastened it upon his sunburnt wrist, reading aloud to him the engraved motto in old French: "Fais ce que dois, adviegne que pourra c'est commande au chevalier."

My creed shall ever be that of Chandos: "Fais ce que dois adviegne que peut, C'est commande au chevalier." After passing Cahors, the party branched away from the main road, and leaving the river to the north of them, followed a smaller track which wound over a vast and desolate plain.

Since my success at the Salon, I have been able to sell my things. I am only beginning to find out now what a success that picture was. Je t'assure, je fais l'ècole"... "Tu crois ça...on fait l'ècole après vingt ans de travail." When we were excited Marshall and I always dropped into French. "And now tell me," he said, "about this duel."

Passant, ne fais icy de bruit, Et garde bien qu'il ne s'eveille, Car voicy la premiere nuit, Que le Pauvre Scarron sommeille." There is rather a quiet, satisfactory place in front of the cathedral, with some good "bits" in it; notably a turret at the angle of one of the towers, and a very fine, steep-roofed dwelling, behind low walls, which it overlooks, with a tall iron gate.

'Je fais tous les efforts possibles pour être sec, he says of himself. 'Je veux imposer silence

Our two friends had much difficulty in finding seats, and had to be content with a place behind a pillar whence they could see only half of the platform, then occupied by a superb person in black coat and yellow gloves, curled and waxed and oiled, who was singing in a vibrating voice Mes beaux lions aux crins dores, Du sang des troupeaux alteres, Halte la! Je fais sentinello!

"Eh bien " murmured Leclair, noncommittally. "Well, can we make it, sir?" The ace inspected the vacuum-gauges, the helicopter tachometers, and shrugged his shoulders. "'Fais tout, toi-même, et Dieu t'aidera," he quoted the cynical old French proverb. "If nothing gives way, there is a chance."

There only remains to be described in the Pacific, that curved line of fringed islands, of which the MARIANAS form the main part. FAIS, which lies in the prolonged line of the Marianas, is the only island in this part of the sea which is fringed; it is ninety feet high, and consists entirely of madreporitic rock.

Bobbing and circling, earnest, not very adroit, they went past and past his chair to the strains of that waltz. He watched them and the face of her who was playing turned smiling towards those little dancers thinking: 'Sweetest picture I've seen for ages. A voice said: "Hollee! Mais enfin qu'est-ce que tu fais la danser, le dimanche! Viens, donc!"