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He did nawthin' that was bad; an' yet he was no good at all, at all, just a slow, tired, aisy-goin', shamblin' la-ad, th' sort that'd wrench th' heart iv a father like Ahearn. I dinnaw what he did fin'lly, but wan night he come into my place an' said he'd been turned out be his father an' wanted a place f'r to sleep.

"Oh, how's the marryin' industry, f'r instance? Brisk?" Jason smiled. "It might be brisker." "Um!... Maybe folks figgers you hain't had enough experience to do their marryin' jest accordin' to rule seein' 's you hain't married yourself." Jason blushed and frowned.

His eyes, always bright and liquid, were a little inflamed. Still laughing, he glanced toward the wagon. The boys were boisterous. Kate could hear Bradley's voice in shrill protest: "What'd I be goin' to town f'r, if I had a bottle?" he was demanding angrily.

Lily was shocked inexpressibly and began to see more clearly the magnitude of the task she had set herself to do. But it must be done; she felt that a tragedy was not far off. It must be averted. "Mr. Burns, what have you done? What have you done?" she asked in terror and horror. "Don't lay it all to me! She hain't done nawthin' but complain f'r ten years. I couldn't do nothin' to suit her.

The tired and hungry man could see the light from the kitchen shining through the leafless hedge, and he lifted a great shout, "Supper f'r a half a dozen!" It was nearly eight o'clock by the time he had finished his chores and started for supper. He was picking his way carefully through the mud, when the tall form of a man loomed up before him with a premonitory cough.

Dooley, laying down his paper, "an' that is that we still have a lot iv young an' growin' orators f'r to lead us on." "Who's been oratin' now?" Mr. Hennessy asked. "Me young frind Sinitor Beveridge, th' child orator iv Fall Creek.

Take soft readin'. How d'ye expict to get on in th' wurruld th' way ye are goin'? Who wud make a confirmed reader th' cashier iv a bank? Ye'd divide ye'er customers into villyans an' heroes an' ye wudden't lend money to th' villyans. An' thin ye'd be wrong aven if ye were right. F'r th' villyans wud be more apt to have th' money to bring back thin th' heroes, says I. 'Ye may be right, says he.

"But ye know ye are goin' to die an' ye're not sure whether ye'll send f'r Father Kelly or th' doctor. Ye finally decide to save up Father Kelly f'r th' last an' ye sind f'r th' Dock.

'An' I don't mind tellin' ye th' mills is closed down to-day, Honoria. So he dhressed himsilf an' wint out; an' says he to Mollie, he says: 'Miss Newwoman, says he, 'ye may find wurruk enough around th' house, he says. 'An', if ye have time, ye might paint th' stoop, he says. 'Th' ol' man is goin' to take th' ol' woman down be Halsted Sthreet' an' blow himsilf f'r a new shawl f'r her.

The minute we'd tetch off a blast 'n' the fuse'd begin to sizzle, he'd give a look as much as to say: 'Well, I'll have to git you to excuse me, an' it was surpris'n' the way he'd shin out of that hole 'n' go f'r a tree. Sagacity? It ain't no name for it. 'Twas inspiration!" I said, "Well, Mr. Baker, his prejudice against quartz-mining was remarkable, considering how he came by it.