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"It'll be cooler outside," Susan acquiesced; so they quitted the table and went out on the porch. "Mrs. Brown ain't a bit reconciled about her rare old rum," she went on when they were seated; "she's bad enough used up over the preserves, but the rum she can't seem to get reconciled to. She says 't a saltspoonful was a sure cure f'r anythin', 'n' Dr.

'N' I could n't in conscience say 's I was pleased when I did see the letter, f'r I thought's like 's not it was a bill, 'n' anyhow I wa'n't inclined to be over-pleased at anythin' this mornin' I persume you saw how the minister come in on me?" "Yes," said Mrs. Lathrop, "I see him. What "

Speak out." Mr. Lafferty, pretending to take as a good joke the attribution of his discoveries to "dumb luck," promptly discoursed in a somewhat thick but rapid voice. "On the Wednesday morning he was las' seen, he left the house about nine o'clock, with a package wrapt in brown paper. I lose sight of'm f'r a couple 'f hours, but I pick'm up again a little before twelve.

That surprises you a little, hey? You was kind of thinking that 'Rev. changed the nature of a man, and that ambition never thought of keeping open f'r business under a high-cut vest, now wasn't you? Well, I've seen funny things in my time. I'd say that the parson wants this reformatory some f'r the good of the State, and mostly f'r the good of Mr. Dayne.

I expect to have a fight on me hands; f'r I've insulted half th' road, an' th' on'y thing that saved me was that no wan was sthrong enough to come over th' bar. 'I cud lick ye f'r that, if it was not so hot, said Dorsey, whin I told him I'd change no bill f'r him. 'Ye cud not, says I, 'if 'twas cooler, I says. It's cool enough f'r him now.

It did not stay long, as Bob felt that such kisess should be returned without delay. "Hu-ray," cheered Solly Jake, waving his whisky jug, "tale ended right! Time f'r 'nother drink, boys!" and standing up to his middle in water he proceeded to demonstrate his idea. Curley Coppers the Jack "On Selby Flat we live in style; We'll stay right here till we make our pile.

That made him sthronger still. When they got up a prize f'r th' most pop'lar man in th' parish, he loaded th' ballot box an' got th' goold-headed stick, though he was r-runnin' against th' aldherman, an' th' little soggarth thried his best to down him.

And I honor you f'r them feelin's which is just what I knew you'd had, or I wouldn't be here talkin' to you now. But you mustn't blame others if they ain't as partic'lar, mebbe, as to how things might look.

The telephone rang, but was ignored. "Send it off," he directed Bean above the bell's clear call. "Then c'mon; go ball game. G'wup 'n subway." "Got car downstairs," suggested Bean. "You got your work cut out f'r you; 'sall I got t' say," growled Breede. "'S little old last year's car," said Bean modestly.

But annyhow, suppose he got here, an' afther he'd fumbled ar-round at th' latch f'r they had sthrings on th' dure in thim days I let him in.