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And this was Bar-Wul-Yann, the Gate of Yann, and in the distance through that barrier's gap I saw the azure indescribable sea, where little fishing-boats went gleaming by. And the sunset and the brief twilight came, and the exultation of the glory of Bar-Wul-Yann was gone, yet still the pink cliffs glowed, the fairest marvel that the eye beheld-and this in a land of wonders.

And by the end of the year, let's say, they'll be about normal again." He seemed actually shivering. "The end of the year!" I cried, the predicament striking me for the first time in its fulness. "Say, you've got a crust!" "You'll do it, if I have to hold a gun over you," he announced grimly. Mingled with my anxiety, which was real, was an exultation that would not down.

"Arrah now, an' wasn't that done nicely?" exclaimed Tim, in great exultation, as he ran up to the animal with his knife. "Are you going to dress it?" "Yis; an' do yez gather what sticks an' stuff ye can, an' we'll have him cooked in a jiffy."

Lingard had performed a painful task, and a certain recognition that, after all, a poet must be something of a nuisance to business-men. When he returned to his desk, he sat for a long time thoughtful, divided in mind between exultation that he was soon to be free to take the adventurous highway of literature, and anxiety as to where in a month's time his preliminary meals were to come from.

And while talking of disappointment and success in courts of law. let me remark, that petty success sometimes produces, in vulgar natures, manifestations which are inexpressibly disgusting. Did you ever remark the exultation of some low attorney when he had succeeded in snapping a verdict in some contemptible case which he had taken up and carried en upon speculation?

From that day I had always my pill boxes about with me, and the time had now come when I was to use them. "It was nearer one than twelve, and a wild, bleak night, blowing hard and raining in torrents. Dismal as it was outside, I was glad within so glad that I could have shouted out from pure exultation.

They were now dancing franticly around these fires, brandishing their weapons, shouting their rude songs of defiance and exultation, interspersed with occasional bursts of the shrill and piercing war-whoop. The savages outnumbered the trappers many to one. They were also armed with rifles and had learned how to use them skillfully.

"They shall come again more than laughing, with great joy and exultation, with their handfuls of corn in their hands." Lo, they that in their going home towards heaven sow their seeds with weeping, shall at the day of judgment come to their bodies again with everlasting plentiful laughing.

She had watched this with secret exultation; it hovered near her pillow in the nights, and touched her lips with song at waking time. They reached the chapel and entered without a word. But on the threshold where upon that other Sunday he had asked if this miracle might be performed for her sake and she had answered: "for your own!" his eyes looked seriously, deeply, down at her.

Writing did not give pleasure to him: it gave him pain. He felt none of that exultation in creating characters which he had been told was part of the pleasures of an author. There were times, indeed, when he felt a mitigated joy in writing because his ideas were fluent and words fell easily off his pen, but even on those occasions, the labour of writing hurt him and exhausted him.