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From the period at which these crimina extraordinaria were first recognised, the list of crimes in the Roman State must have been as long as in any community of the modern world. It is unnecessary to describe with any minuteness the mode of administering criminal justice under the Roman Empire, but it is to be noted that both its theory and practice have had powerful effect on modern society.

DON EDUARDO. Digo, Matilde, que es usted una hembra extraordinaria ... una verdadera heroína de novela ... y arrojándome a sus pies protesto. BRUNO. Que el amo bosteza. DOÑA MATILDE. Bueno; entonces ya me tendrá usted también pronta. DON EDUARDO. No olvide usted la seña, tres palmadas mías.

Two series of causes are usually distinguished; the system of causes and effects within the world, according to which everything natural takes place, thecausæ secundariæ”; and in addition to these the divine causality co-operating and influencing the others, ordering them with gentle and delicate pressure, and guiding them towards their true end, and which may also reveal itself asextraordinariain miracles and signs.

Still, even after Augustus had completed his legislation, several offences continued to be regarded as Wrongs, which modern societies look upon exclusively as Crimes; nor did they become criminally punishable till some late but uncertain date, at which the law began to take notice of a new description of offences called in the Digest crimina extraordinaria.