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The spread of temperance among them, however, has produced excellent results, and, in point of morality, they are fully up to the prevailing standard in Sweden and Norway. The practice, formerly imputed to them, of sharing their connubial rights with the guests who visited them, is wholly extinct, if it ever existed. Theft is the most usual offence, but crimes of a more heinous character are rare.

THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN. Is this land private property? If so, I make no claim. THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN. I am speaking the plainest English. Are you the landlord? It used to be hunted and shot in the barbarous ages. It is quite extinct now. Hay fever. THE GENTLEMAN. This is a gross impertinence. An insult. In what capacity are you here? How did you obtain permission to visit us? He is my son-in-law.

What had he got to do except copy out poetry? And she must study statistics. There are more women than men. Yes; but if you let women work as men work, they'll die off much quicker. They'll become extinct. That was her argument. Death and gall and bitter dust were on her pen-tip; and as the afternoon wore on, red had worked into her cheek-bones and a light was in her eyes.

Most people become extinct, and then congratulate themselves on self-conquest." "Yes, I suppose so," said Hadria musingly. "How dangerous it is to congratulate oneself on anything! One never is so near to folly as then." The Professor threw some crumbs to a chaffinch, which had flown down within a few yards of the tea-table.

Although Dick did not know it, these caves had once been the dwelling places of an extinct tribe of Indians. The boy was surprised to see smoke coming from one of them, for he had supposed that they were uninhabited. "Maybe there are Indians up there," thought the boy.

A bold attack of materialism overthrows my creation. You will read through this fragment, my dear Raphael. Would that you could succeed in kindling once again the extinct flames of my enthusiasm, to reconcile me again to my genius! but my pride has sunk so low that even Raphael's friendly hand can hardly raise me up again. The universe is a thought of God.

On this doctrine of the extermination of an infinitude of connecting links, between the living and extinct inhabitants of the world, and at each successive period between the extinct and still older species, why is not every geological formation charged with such links? Why does not every collection of fossil remains afford plain evidence of the gradation and mutation of the forms of life?

This remarkable long-snouted species of seal was reluctantly stricken from the fauna of the United States several years ago, and for at least fifteen years it has been regarded as totally extinct.

Out of fifteen species of shells of the genera Paludina, Melania, Ampullaria, and Unio, all are extinct or unknown species with the exception of four, which are still inhabitants of Indian rivers. Such a proportion of living to extinct mollusca agrees well with the usual character of an Upper Miocene or Falunian fauna, as observed in Touraine, or in the basin of Vienna and elsewhere.

However that might be, when Blithelygo and I joined his Majesty at Hilo to visit the extinct volcano of Kilauea, there was the American coolly puffing his cigar and quizzically feeling the limbs and prodding the ribs of the one individual soldier who composed the King's body-guard. He was not interested in our arrival further than to give us a nod.