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I want them because they'll help me to be a fitter by and by." But Teddy whistled in a very unbelieving way, and presently went off to the kitchen, as he explained, to give the poor dog a bone. And when the others moved a few minutes afterwards, they were startled by a cry from Nellie, who had gone after Teddy.

'Both of them, explained Louis, mildly, 'have rendered good services, and encountered great perils, and undergone great sufferings for the cross.

The man would not be denied, however, and when he became too pressing, the driver got up and explained that the cab of his engine was his castle, and made a move with his right foot. "Hold," cried his tormentor, "do you know that you are about to lay violent hands upon an officer o' the law?"

Observing it, the humorist kindly condescended to explain that "prairie schooner" was the current slang for an emigrant wagon. "I couldn't," explained Clarence, naively looking at the dark eyes on the back seat, "get any clothes at Stockton but these; I suppose the folks didn't think there'd ever be boys in California."

The Colonel nodded, without removing his eyes from the Sergeant's face. "Yes, I know about that," he said. "And that was the only occasion of your meeting?" "Yes, sir." "Well, Sergeant Hamlin, I purpose being perfectly frank with you. There are two or three matters not easily explained about this affair.

Now, these moulds, which, as I have observed, must have all the configuration of the animal, are as difficult to be explained or accounted for as the animals themselves, and are besides attended with far more unexplicable wonders.

"The chances are small that your tale will be believed until after you have proven your trustworthiness and won friends among the higher nobles of the court. This you can most easily do through military service, as we are a warlike people on Barsoom," explained one of them, "and save our richest favors for the fighting man."

"It is an ice-house," said Gerald. "Don't let's," said Kathleen. "Our hero," said Gerald, "who nothing could dismay, raised the faltering hopes of his abject minions by saying that he was jolly well going on, and they could do as they liked about it." "If you call names," said Jimmy, "you can go on by yourself. He added, "So there!" "It's part of the game, silly," explained Gerald kindly.

But Dan cautioned him to "have a care," settling down in the shade to watch proceedings. "These early showers are a bit tricky," he explained, "can't tell how long they'll last.

This mystery, which no philosopher had ever explained, seemed to him to run equally through the whole of nature. He asked himself whether he was in the presence of two warring forces.