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Ten minutes ago the gaslighted house behind her had seemed like a prison. She felt that she must have air, space, and freedom. She would have liked a long ride on the buffalo-track. That, she felt, would clear her mind. She was no romantic creature out of her sphere, no exotic. She was country-born and bred, and her blood had been charged by a prairie instinct passing through three generations.

"I only seek the result," said I, "which belongs to today." "The result I seek," answered Nikhil, "belongs to all time." Nikhil may have had his share of Bengal's greatest gift imagination, but he has allowed it to be overshadowed and nearly killed by an exotic conscientiousness. Just look at the worship of Durga which Bengal has carried to such heights. That is one of her greatest achievements.

If you think that commerce, yielding to steel and steam, has lost all romance, just give an idle day or two to London docks. The very names upon the street signs are as exotic as a breath of frankincense.

It is a picturesque city that climbs back from its noble river; supreme, perhaps, in its situation among Canadian towns, and still retaining something of the exotic stamp set upon it by its first builders whose art was learned in the France of long ago. From where she sat Mrs. Keith could not see the ugly wooden wharves.

"You don't think you could endure him for an hour or two a day, Sylvia?" "It is not that," said the girl almost sullenly. "But " "I'm afraid of myself call it inherited mischief if you like! If I let a man do to me what Mr. Siward did when I was only engaged to Howard, what might I do " "You are not that sort!" said Mrs. Ferrall bluntly. "Don't be exotic, Sylvia."

One longs for the open air and open country after this enervating, exotic life." So when they arrived at the little church of Ste.

This, then, was my dinner, if such it might in truth be called: Clear soup, a smallish slice of rare roast beef cut shaving thin, gluten bread sparsely buttered, a cloud of watercress no larger than a man's hand, another raw apple and a bit of domestic cheese nothing rich, nothing exotic, no melting French fromages, no creamy Danish pastries.

The pen falters when it attempts to treat of the excellence thereof; the sober vocabulary, the sparse epithet of this narrative, are inadequate to the task; and pompous terms, jewelled, exotic phrases rise to the excited fancy.

Her lackeys, handing chocolate and cakes on silver or gold salvers, were so many as to seem ubiquitous; and in the saloon, presided over by Angela, there was a still choicer refreshment to be obtained at a tea-table, where tiny cups of the new China drink were dispensed to those who cared for exotic novelties.

Daintily embroidered napery, beautiful porcelain, Queen Anne silver, exotic flowers, glittering glass, soft rosy light, creamy expanses of shirt-front, elegant low-necked dresses all the conventional accompaniments of Occidental gastronomy.