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But it is because their history, thus far, affords such feeble prognostics of their becoming, till some better age, actuated by such a spirit, it is because the Divine Governor has hitherto put upon them so little of the honor of being the instruments of his beneficence, that the anticipations of good, and the exhortations to attempt it, are so peculiarly directed to its promoters in an individual capacity.

And Calvin imagines that such exhortations, as well as the other means of grace offered to all, are designed, not for the real conversion of those who shall finally perish, but to enhance their guilt, and overwhelm them in the more fearful condemnation.

Today in Persia, for instance, there are many people of various races and religions who have followed the exhortations of Bahá’u’lláh and are living together in love and fellowship without religious, patriotic or racial prejudicesMuslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Zoroastrians and many others.

He is conscious that somehow or other it has fallen flat, and he flits off to other employment. Mothers will complain that children seem to take a perverse pleasure in evoking reproof, appeals, entreaties, and exhortations.

It is this Persian translation which they have in their hands when, they say their prayers. The translation contains fragments like the Ashtad, the Chitrasht, the Aban Yasht, the Hadukht, and other chapters. In the Chitrasht are found the recitals of the origin and the end of the world. Hadukht comprises exhortations.

Among the Radicals in Parliament there were several qualified to be useful members of an enlightened Radical party, but none capable of forming and leading such a party. The exhortations I addressed to them found no response. One occasion did present itself when there seemed to be room for a bold and successful stroke for Radicalism.

Up to the present time, there are certain nights when penitents assemble in churches, in total darkness, and kneeling on the pavement, scourge themselves, while a monk in the pulpit screams out fierce exhortations to strike harder.

Lamentable as these awful examples of the deceitfulness and depravity of the human heart were, yet they operated more powerfully than many exhortations, in inculcating upon the baptized the solemn warning, "Let him that standeth take heed lest he fall."

In saying this she seemed to John to speak well, and a certain day was appointed to carry out the plan. And the empress, hearing the whole account from Antonina, expressed approval of what she had planned, and by her exhortations raised her enthusiasm to a much higher pitch still.

The footman started, and looked over his shoulder; then hurriedly told Tommy just what he thought of him, and where he wished him; cuffed him soundly, and returned to the house, followed by peals of laughter, mingled with exhortations and imprecations from the angry bird, who danced up and down on his perch until his enemy had vanished from view.