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The American likes to form his own opinions and so only requires facts. The possibility of exerting influence therefore lies rather in the choice of the facts and the way in which they are presented, than in logical and convincing argument.

There was Chananay dressed as Leonor in Il Trovatore, talking in the language of the markets to Ratia in the costume of a schoolmaster; Yeyeng, wrapped in a silk shawl, was clinging to the Prince Villardo; while Balbino and the Moros were exerting themselves to console the more or less injured musicians. Several Spaniards went from group to group haranguing every one they met.

I went on as if unconscious of the censorship, the boys exerting themselves all the more eagerly for the sake of the 'gallery. When the hour was up, Canon Jennings took me aside, and in the most polite manner thanked me for my 'valuable assistance, but did not think that the 'Essay on Man, or especially geography, was suited for the teaching in a Sunday-school.

"I want you to understand that it's my principle never to surrender without a fight;" and, suddenly exerting all his strength, he tore himself away from his captor, leaving part of his collar in his grasp.

He was watching her keenly. She swayed, as if to faint once more, but mastered herself by exerting the utmost of her will. "Poison?" she repeated, as before. "But how?" "In a box of cigars a birthday present given to your uncle." It was brutal cruelly brutal but he had to test it out without further delay. His words acted almost with galvanic effect. "Cigars! His birthday! My cigars!" she cried.

It is my earnest hope and prayer that this exchange of thought and close cooperation in the work that has henceforth to be internationally and vigorously conducted, will enable me to participate more minutely and effectively in the labors of the various administrative departments of your Assembly, and thus reinforce the splendid efforts you are exerting for the extension of its influence and the widening of its scope.

"So should I," cried Harry warmly, "and surely our father with his political interest can, if he chooses, obtain a baronetcy for himself." "He would prefer exerting that influence in gaining a higher rank," observed Algernon with a sigh.

He went through all our vices and follies, and discovered many, which I had never mentioned to him, by only supposing what qualities a Yahoo of their country, with a small proportion of reason, might be capable of exerting; and concluded, with too much probability, “how vile, as well as miserable, such a creature must be.”

The powerful counts of Flanders were still practically independent of their French suzerain, while the Struggle for the Investitures had ruined the emperors' authority in the Meuse region, where the native nobility was again exerting its supremacy. Both parts of the country were brought more and more into contact by military alliances and dynastic intermarriages.

I have before blamed, and must again blame you, for not exerting yourself sufficiently to shew him his folly. It concerns the family, it concerns yourself, nearly. Who can tell how far off the moment is when it may be too late?